
🎬 Predicting the rating of a movie by a user using supervised learning techniques.

Primary LanguagePython



This competition is organized in the context of the "introduction to Machine Learning" course (ELEN0062) at the University of Liège, Belgium. The goal of the competition is to let you apply the methods and principles exposed in the theoretical course in order to address a real problem: Predict the rating of a movie by a user.


The mission of your group, should you decide to accept it, is to use (supervised) learning techniques to design an algorithm that can predict the rating given by a user to a movie.

To achieve this, we provide you with a set of 69,453 ratings given by 911 users to 1,541 movies (~5% of the ratings).

In addition, we also provide you some informations about the movies and some information about the users that you are free to use to improve your predictions.

This dataset was constructed from the MovieLens dataset. Note that you cannot use any information outside of those provided.