
AWS lambda functions managed easy (A simple fork for archive from https://github.com/AudienseCo/lambdamanager)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A command to help you to manage aws lambda functions.

These aws lambda runtimes are supported by now:

  • python2.7


Using pip:

pip install git+https://github.com/AudienseCo/lambdamanager

This package is going to be published in pypi. By now, use this install method.

Tip: Install the manager in a isolated virtualenv and link the command lambdamanager into the bin directory in your home.


Using pip:

pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/AudienseCo/lambdamanager

AWS Credentials setup

The login is based in boto, so it is compatible with the procedure in aws-cli package

Function setup

We need to create the function setup definition. The default name used by the command is functions.yml, and it support more than one function in the same file.

The functions.yml file structure

This is a example with only one function, based on the function_sample in tests directory. The file use yaml format.

  Runtime: python2.7
  Role: arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/lambda_basic_execution
  Handler: function_one.lambda_handler
  Description: A function example for tests
     S3Bucket: bucket_with_code
     S3KeyPath: function_one
     Directory: function_one
  MemorySize: 128
  Timeout: 30
          - subnet-0000000
          - sg-00000000
      S3_BUCKET: writable_bucket
      S3_FILENAME: example/timestamp

The function description is very similar to the one used by aws-cli. The block function-name.Code has been customized with the entry, Directory. This is where the function code is in your system. Usualy the code directory is a child directory of the directory with functions.yml like next example:


The lambdamanager command

Usage: lambdamanager [-c FILE] <command> [<args>...]

-h --help           show this
-c --config FILE    The function config file [default: ./functions.yml]

These are the available commands:

 create: Create lambda functions in AWS service.
 create_package: create the zip package without publish it.
 create_release: Create a new release for the selected lambda function.
 list_aliases: List the available aliases for a given function.
 invoke: Execute the remote function code .
 promote_release: Update the alias named 'production'.
 update_config: Update the function configuration.

See 'lambdamanager help <command>' for more information on a specific command.

Python runtime

If there is a file named requirements.txt in the top level of code directory, pip install -r requirements.txt --target . is going to be launched in the temporary directory created to pack the code.