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import com.github.verbalexpressions.VerbalExpression
import VerbalExpression._

val validUrl = $.startOfLine()
                .anythingBut(" ")

assert("" is validUrl)
assert("" isNot validUrl)

// VerbalExpressions can be nested within each other
val fraction = $.andThen(".").digits()
val number = $.maybe("-").digits().maybe(fraction)

assert(Seq("3", "-4", "-0.458") forall number.check)
assert(Seq("0.", "hello", "4.3.2") forall number.notMatch)

For more methods, checkout the wiki and the source


Add the following to your build.sbt:

resolvers += "Sonatype releases" at ""

libraryDependency += "com.github.verbalexpressions" %% "scalaverbalexpression" % "1.0.1"