Parallel Pi number calculation.

Write a program that will calculate the Pi number value with a Leibniz formula. The program takes a number of iterations as a parameter, executes and prints out the computed Pi value. Write two versions of the program:

serial version using standard C; parallel version using POSIX threads (it should take the number of threads as a program argument). Test the serial and parallel programs on a multi-core/mutli-processor machine. Pick a number of iterations that will allow the serial version to run for few (2-5) seconds. Compare the performance of the POSIX thread version tested with different number of threads (e.g. 1, 2, 4 and 8) with the performance of the serial version. The 'time' shell command can be used to measure the execution times.

How to run program

  • Step 1

    gcc -o serial_pi serial_pi.c
    gcc -o parallel_pi parallel_pi.c
  • Step 2:

    • Step 2.1

      time ./serial_pi 100000000
    • Step 2.2

      time ./parallel_pi 100000000 1

      where the first arg is the number of loops to calculate Pi and the second arg is the number of threads.

Analysis of Results

Let's break down the results for both the serial and parallel versions of the program:

Serial Version

time ./serial_pi 100000000
Computed Pi value: 3.141592643589326
./serial_pi 100000000  0,37s user 0,00s system 40% cpu 0,904 total

Parallel Version (4 threads)

time ./parallel_pi 100000000 4
Computed Pi value: 3.141592643589817
./parallel_pi 100000000 4  0,38s user 0,00s system 113% cpu 0,332 total

Parallel Version (2 threads)

time ./parallel_pi 100000000 2
Computed Pi value: 3.141592643590251
./parallel_pi 100000000 2  0,41s user 0,00s system 197% cpu 0,209 total

Parallel Version (1 thread)

time ./parallel_pi 100000000 1
Computed Pi value: 3.141592643589326
./parallel_pi 100000000 1  0,37s user 0,00s system 98% cpu 0,379 total

Parallel Version (8 thread)

time ./parallel_pi 100000000 8
Computed Pi value: 3.141592643589880
./parallel_pi 100000000 8  0,47s user 0,00s system 671% cpu 0,071 total

Explanation of Metrics

  • user: The amount of CPU time spent in user mode.
  • system: The amount of CPU time spent in kernel mode.
  • cpu: The percentage of the CPU's total capacity used during the execution.
  • total: The total elapsed time (wall-clock time) for the program to complete.

Detailed Analysis

Serial Version

  • Computed Pi value: 3.141592643589326
  • Time metrics:
    • 0.37s user: The program spent 0.37 seconds of CPU time.
    • 0.00s system: The program spent negligible time in kernel mode.
    • 40% cpu: The program used 40% of the CPU's capacity.
    • 0.904 total: The total elapsed time was 0.904 seconds.

Parallel Version (4 threads)

  • Computed Pi value: 3.141592643589817
  • Time metrics:
    • 0.38s user: The combined user time across all threads was 0.38 seconds.
    • 0.00s system: The program spent negligible time in kernel mode.
    • 113% cpu: The program used 113% of the CPU's capacity (indicating that multiple CPU cores were utilized).
    • 0.332 total: The total elapsed time was 0.332 seconds.

Parallel Version (2 threads)

  • Computed Pi value: 3.141592643590251
  • Time metrics:
    • 0.41s user: The combined user time across all threads was 0.41 seconds.
    • 0.00s system: The program spent negligible time in kernel mode.
    • 197% cpu: The program used 197% of the CPU's capacity (indicating that multiple CPU cores were utilized).
    • 0.209 total: The total elapsed time was 0.209 seconds.

Parallel Version (8 threads)

  • Computed Pi value: 3.141592643589880
  • Time metrics:
    • 0.47s user: The combined user time across all threads was 0.47 seconds.
    • 0.00s system: The program spent negligible time in kernel mode.
    • 671% cpu: The program used 671% of the CPU's capacity (indicating that multiple CPU cores were utilized).
    • 0.071 total: The total elapsed time was 0.071 seconds.

Parallel Version (1 thread)

  • Computed Pi value: 3.141592643589326
  • Time metrics:
    • 0.37s user: The program spent 0.37 seconds of CPU time.
    • 0.00s system: The program spent negligible time in kernel mode.
    • 98% cpu: The program used 98% of the CPU's capacity.
    • 0.379 total: The total elapsed time was 0.379 seconds.

Key Observations

  1. Accuracy: All versions (serial and parallel) produced Pi values that are very close to each other, indicating that the parallelization did not affect the computation accuracy much.

  2. Performance:

    • The serial version took the longest time to complete (0.904 seconds).
    • The parallel version with 8 threads performed the best, taking only 0.071 seconds.
    • As the number of threads decreases, the performance gets closer to the serial version, with 1 thread essentially matching the serial version's performance (0.379 seconds).
  3. CPU Utilization:

    • The serial version used only 40% of the CPU's capacity, indicating it was not fully utilizing the available CPU cores.
    • The parallel version with 4 threads used 113% of the CPU's capacity, showing that it utilized more than one core effectively.
    • The parallel version with 2 threads used 197% of the CPU's capacity, indicating it effectively used two cores.
    • The parallel version with 8 threads used 671% of the CPU's capacity, indicating it effectively used two cores.


  • Scalability: The parallel version scales well with the number of threads, reducing the total elapsed time significantly when using multiple threads.
  • Optimal Threads: The optimal number of threads seems to be 4 or 8. More threads might yield diminishing returns due to overhead or limitations in parallelization.
  • Anotations: When the number of loops is incremented the accuracy improves; but so does the time.


  • Jorge Ortega Izquierdo
  • Adrián Anta Gil