Adaptive learning platform for physics concept built on ChatGPT knowledge.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Adaptive Learning

Wanna be able to read a paper from a domain you know nothing about? Use our tool to get explanations of every term used in the paper and gain quick overview of the domain. A concept is used in the explanation that you don’t know? Go deeper again until you reach the explanation of for example addition or any simple concept that a 5 years old could understand, if he knows how to read of course ! Built using ChatGPT and other sources, Documentation


  • Install the dependencies via pip or conda, e.g., python=3.9.6
    python -m venv ens
    pip install -r requirements.txt
echo "export OPENAI_API_KEY='yourkey'" >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc

  • Put your api key in .env file, exemple of .env file:

SQL Database

flyctl is a command-line tool provided by Fly.io, a platform for deploying and managing applications. To access a railway database with flyctl, you would typically follow these steps:

Install flyctl, make an account on railway, and set the database confidential :


run the database before starting the streamlit. Configure Fly.io: Use flyctl to configure your Fly.io application. You can set environment variables using the flyctl secrets command. For example:

flyctl secrets set DATABASE_URL=your_database_connection_string

and run it:

flyctl deploy

if you want to run it locally, for deployment set the .envs under Manage app> settings> secretes


  • Run:
streamlit run src/home.py

Future works

  • More features (UI)
    • Learned keyword
    • Study-path recommendation
  • Scientific-writing recommendation
  • Improve keyword explanation
  • Scalability
  • Robustness
  • Extend Pdf extraction
    • images
    • tables
  • Extend to more than arXiv papers and include book