read d3plot displacements
one time step, last
- calcualte the diff
- all time steps
- just 5 parts
Make the todo tasks
Compare 3001
- Simrank matrix value
- argsort issue with small value,
numpy.array([1., 0.5, 1.]).argsort(kind="heapsort")
- argsort issue with small value,
- Simrank loop
- make feature graph
- Pe vs IE weight
- why from single to all paired sim differ
- Have two different weight
- Correct kg01 loading
- Simrank matrix value
Similarity from RMSE
How is it with component graph
Diagnoal value not 1 > effect of spread
- Look in paper
- Move the test functions
Run simrank for each simulation and ref seprately
What does SimRank do
Change the spread function
- get top color
- decrease number of simulation range
- update displacements
- update text
- write extended result
spread normalization differ from simrank weighted normalization. spread normalize vs source edges where simRank normalizes vs target edges
recalculate spread
why sim > 1
- check sim for test_epread > not bigger than 1
- check combining sprd and evd
change simRankpp function to simrank_pp_similarity_numpy in nrg_simRank/inv_simRnk_extnd.py
clean sprd, evd, C option in nrg_simRank/inv_simRnk_extnd.py
run the extnd result
check simrank result with github functions > wrong result on the simple example
transfer result to the plot_nrg_extnd
spread only for PID nodes
change weight manipulation to weight subtraction
- Pe plot with selecting only closest
- run the result
- change the method
- verify the result
- whey there is similarities close to zero, is it 0 or sth else> tehre are smaller than 0.11 but not zero
- why hh-ll doen't pick small HH anymore > errList is active
- check the KDE if the smlll similarities belong to pid than sims > the errList was empty
the color code, L sim to be red
legend order
save four plot
add four pic in tex
legend inside
fix the bolt for plot_report.py
section 6.2, 4 pid -> components
split the paper
cite the conf paper modeling
- make same vis as paper
- check the error list > it was ok, the issue was that initital plot was without weight - one des is missing in curre
- show loop with removing high distance nodes
- why network2tikzi doesn't plot > issue with latex, set the style with plotly
- show visualization with more releases / several rls together
- add grouping to the database
- load the features
- simrank query to set graph for groping-des COG - make new design based on box grouping - add the weights to the edge of box design - add intiger name of the box to the graph