
JAVA homework for university, a simple assembler with JAVA graphical interface and my own assembly language

Primary LanguageJava


A simple assembler with JAVA graphical interface and my own assembler language. Structure of the processor and syntax of the language based on Z80 architecture. The repo also contains a Hungarian documentation, with the list of the commands and three example assembly code.

You can download a runnable version (JAR file) from here.


Operand types

  • Constant
    • Decimal: simple numbers, eg.: 26
    • Binary: simple binary numbers with 'b' at the end, eg.: 11010b
    • Hexadecimal: simple hexadecimal numbers with 'h' at the end, eg.: 1Ah
  • Register
    • name of the register. There are eight accessable registers: A, B, C, D, F, H, L.
  • Memory
    • Reference to a memory block by constant, the constant is inside brackets. The constant is the index of the memory block, eg.: (13)
    • Reference to a memory block by value of a register, the name of the register is inside brackets. The value of the register is the index of the memory block, eg.: (C)
  • String
    • Any string that contains only letters and numbers, exlude the name of commands or registers.


Cmd Functionality number of operands first operand type second operand type
ADD Additional to A 1 c r -
SUB Substraction to A 1 c r -
INC Increment A 0 - -
DEC Decrement A 0 - -
OR Bitwise or with A 1 c r -
XOR Bitwise xor with A 1 c r -
NOT Bitwise nor with A 0 - -
PUSH Push value to stack 1 c r -
POP Pop value from stack 1 c r -
CMP Compare, see below 1 c r -
JMP Jump always 1 c -
JNZ Jump, if last bit of F is not zero 1 c -
LD Load value from second to first 2 r m c r m
EQ Define constants 2 s c

CMP sets the first bit of F to 1, if the operand is equal to accumulate current value, otherwise nothing happens.

The above mentioned three example contains concrete commands.

If you have questions, contact me antal[dooot]janos[dooot]benjamin[aaat]gmail[dooot]com.