Unit Testing Angular (Basic)

This code demonstrates how to unit test the most common parts of an Angular application:

  • controllers
  • services
  • $http

These examples can be used to help you determine how to test various sections of your code. It is assumed that you are able to identify the major types of angular code as mentioned in the list above.


Files involved:

  • public/javascript/controller.js - contains SimpleController
  • test/controllerSpec.js - contains tests for SimpleController


When implementing unit testing on your own project, you will require karma and jasmine libraries. The following commands should get you going.

npm install karma

npm install karma-cli

npm install karma-jasmine

npm install jasmine-core

npm install karma-chrome-launcher - add more plugins if you want to test other browsers

karma init - starts a wizard that let's you generate the karma configuration file karma.conf.js


npm install angular

npm install angular-mocks