
Your personal assistant with ChatGPT and Linux superpowers, ready for any task!

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Welcome to Geppetto! Geppetto is a personal assistant AI that is designed to help you with your daily tasks. With Geppetto, you can ask questions, execute commands, and perform other tasks quickly and easily. In this README file, you'll find everything you need to know to get started with Geppetto.


This project is just a little experiment to see what would be possible to do by extending the capabilities of ChatGPT with a docker container running a complete Linux system. Don't take it too seriously as, from my experience using it, it may feel a bit unstable: Sometimes it works like magic on advanced requests, sometimes it crashes in a loop on basic stuff.

This app relies on the ChatGPT API used by the official app itself, it not officially supported and may break at any time.

When the app is started, it creates a new conversation that is visible in the ChatGPT UI. They are currently not cleaned automatically, so expect some clutter.

Use it at your own risk.


To install Geppetto, you must first clone this repository. To do so, run the following command:

$ git clone https://github.com/antca/geppetto.git

Next, navigate to the repository folder and install the necessary dependencies. To do so, run the following command:

$ cd geppetto
$ docker compose build

To authenticate the app, you need to create a file named .env at the root of the cloned repository to store the authentication credentials. There are two ways to authenticate the app:

  1. Using OPENAI_API_KEY: You can generate an API key by visiting https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys.
  2. Using CHAT_GPT_COOKIE and CHAT_GPT_USER_AGENT: To find them, open the browser's developer tools while authenticated on https://chat.openai.com, and examine the headers of a request. Copy the values of the Cookie and User-Agent headers, which will then be sent directly to the ChatGPT API.

It's important to keep the .env file secure since it contains sensitive information.


To use Geppetto, simply run the following command:

$ docker compose run --rm geppetto

This will start the Geppetto program, and you can begin interacting with the AI immediately.

The workspace directory is the default current directory used by Geppetto when it executes commands. It can be used to give access to some files to Geppetto or to collect created ones.

You can put some hints in the file .hints.txt inside the workspace directory for ChatGPT, they will be added to the initial prompt. This can be useful to have some initial context. For example, you can add some documentation about custom scripts.


Here is a little conversation that went well as an example. Use your imagination to do something more useful.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.