
Provides python string formatting to the julia language

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


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The JuFormatting package provides the usefull formatting syntax from python in both a function form and a f-string using the @f_str macro. The JuFormatting library is fully written in julia and works for versions greater or equal to julia 1.4.


In a Julia session, after entering the package manager mode with ], run the command

pkg> update
pkg> add https://github.com/antcap96/JuFormatting.jl


After installing the package, you can start using it

using JuFormatting

The module dives access to two ways of formatting a string, using the format function and using the @f_str macro allows python's f-string style formatting.

julia> format("{:#b}", 3)

julia> f"{31.32:10.3g}"
"      31.3"

Diferences from python / todos

  • the "n" and "," formating type is not implemented for Integers nor floats.

  • getattr and getindex are not yet supported in the format syntax

  • replacement fields in format specifiers are not yet supported

  • current support for strings does not allow to set width

  • julia offers more numeric types than python, currently all abstract floats are handled the same and so do all integers.

  • Inf and NaN are formated diferently from python to match julia default conversion to string of these values.

  • julia starts using the exponent notation for floats at 1e6 while python only starts using this notation at 1e15, so an empty format "{}" will give diferent results from python