
Smallwind turbine repository. Building plans, drawings, designs computation of our alluminium smallwind turbine. visit: http://antedoro.blogspot.com/


Robot Arm - Lumezzane by Vincenzo Antedoro

released 12-oct-2013

Smallwind turbine repository.

Building plans, drawings, designs computation of our aluminium smallwind turbine. Visit: https://antedoro.it/2012/05/aluminium-wind-turbine.html/

Smallwind turbine is an open-source smallwind turbine based on Hugh Piggott's work in Scotland, implemented for teaching machining and electronics at secondary school in Italy by teachers V. Antedoro and A. Albero.

Smallwind turbine can be used to develop many others implementation.

For more information, see the website at: https://antedoro.it/

To contact the author, go to: https://antedoro.it/contatti/


Most files are generated with commercial 3D CAD software SolidWorks 2010. All files will be converted to more open formats. Of each drawing will also released the pdf file. The electronics will be published later.


Smallwind turbine is an open source project, supported by students of I.I.S."P. Levi" Sarezzo (BS) - Italy.

The Robot Arm team is composed of Vincenzo Antedoro, Antonio Albero, Simone Bossini, Alberto Bregoli, Paolo Ghidini, Stefano Merigo, Andrea Seccardelli, Stefano Romeo and Stefano Segala.