
Torrent to HTTP client

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


It is improved torrent2http client used in xbmctorrent that has been discontinued in favor of Pulsar. It is forked from https://github.com/steeve/torrent2http

If you want use it in your own KODI/XBMC plugins, use script.module.torrent2http add-on. It contains pre-built version of torrent2http binaries for all platforms. You can download it from my XBMC/KODI repository

What's this

torrent2http is libtorrent-based torrent client that allows to download torrents and stream it through HTTP.


  • Release package contains binaries for Android ARM,Linux x86/x64/ARM, Windows x86/x64, Darwin/OSX x64 platforms.
  • Can download torrents using magnet:// and torrent links or downloaded *.torrent files.
  • Uses HTTP for sharing torrent info, files and peers list and for streaming content.
  • Uses sequential downloading mode for instant stream start.
  • Supports Content-Range, i.e. allows seeking through stream. This is achieved by setting deadlines for pieces that need to be loaded.
  • Enhanced logging letting to monitor overall progress, files progress and downloaded pieces progress.
  • Supports fast resume files.
  • Can optionally keep downloaded files if download finished.
  • Allows to control some of libtorrent params, e.g. connections limit, rate limits, timeouts and other.

Command line options

  -bind="localhost:5001": Bind address of torrent2http
  -connection-speed=50: The number of peer connection attempts that are made per second
  -connections-limit=200: Set a global limit on the number of connections opened
  -debug-alerts=false: Show debug alert notifications
  -dht-routers="": Additional DHT routers (comma-separated host:port pairs)
  -dl-path=".": Download path
  -dl-rate=-1: Max download rate (kB/s)
  -enable-dht=true: Enable DHT (Distributed Hash Table)
  -enable-lsd=true: Enable LSD (Local Service Discovery)
  -enable-natpmp=true: Enable NATPMP (NAT port-mapping)
  -enable-scrape=false: Enable sending scrape request to tracker (updates total peers/seeds count)
  -enable-tcp=true: Enable TCP protocol
  -enable-upnp=true: Enable UPnP (UPnP port-mapping)
  -enable-utp=true: Enable uTP protocol
  -encryption=1: Encryption: 0=forced 1=enabled (default) 2=disabled
  -exit-on-finish=false: Exit when download finished
  -file-index=-1: Start downloading file with specified index immediately (or start in paused state otherwise)
  -files-progress=false: Show files progress
  -keep-complete=false: Keep complete files after exiting
  -keep-files=false: Keep all files after exiting (incl. -keep-complete and -keep-incomplete)
  -keep-incomplete=false: Keep incomplete files after exiting
  -listen-port=6881: Use specified port for incoming connections
  -max-failcount=3: The maximum times we try to connect to a peer before stop connecting again
  -max-idle=-1: Automatically shutdown if no connection are active after a timeout
  -min-reconnect-time=60: The time to wait between peer connection attempts. If the peer fails, the time is multiplied by fail counter
  -no-sparse=false: Do not use sparse file allocation
  -overall-progress=false: Show overall progress
  -peer-connect-timeout=15: The number of seconds to wait after a connection attempt is initiated to a peer
  -pieces-progress=false: Show pieces progress
  -random-port=false: Use random listen port (49152-65535)
  -request-timeout=20: The number of seconds until the current front piece request will time out
  -resume-file="": Use fast resume file
  -show-stats=false: Show all stats (incl. -overall-progress -files-progress -pieces-progress)
  -state-file="": Use file for saving/restoring session state
  -torrent-connect-boost=50: The number of peers to try to connect to immediately when the first tracker response is received for a torrent
  -trackers="": Additional trackers (comma-separated URLs)
  -ul-rate=-1: Max upload rate (kB/s)
  -uri="": Magnet URI or .torrent file URL
  -user-agent="torrent2http/1.0.1 libtorrent/": Set an user agent


Let's start torrent2http to download some torrent:

C:\Temp>torrent2http.exe -uri="http://.../F2C2DCCDEE3822F089E8AAF04118469FBE82CF5A.torrent" -dl-path="C:\Temp" -file-index=0 -show-stats

2015/01/22 14:41:38 Starting session...
2015/01/22 14:41:38 Setting encryption settings
2015/01/22 14:41:38 Starting DHT...
2015/01/22 14:41:38 Starting LSD...
2015/01/22 14:41:38 Starting UPNP...
2015/01/22 14:41:38 Starting NATPMP...
2015/01/22 14:41:38 Will fetch: http://..../F2C2DCCDEE3822F089E8AAF04118469FBE82CF5A.torrent
2015/01/22 14:41:38 Setting save path: C:\Temp
2015/01/22 14:41:38 Adding torrent
2015/01/22 14:41:38 Enabling sequential download
2015/01/22 14:41:38 Downloading torrent: http://..../F2C2DCCDEE3822F089E8AAF04118469FBE82CF5A.torrent
2015/01/22 14:41:38 Starting HTTP Server...
2015/01/22 14:41:38 Listening HTTP on localhost:5001...
2015/01/22 14:41:39 Setting My Neighbor Totoro.avi priority to 1
2015/01/22 14:41:39 (listen_succeeded_alert) successfully listening on [TCP]
2015/01/22 14:41:39 (listen_succeeded_alert) successfully listening on [TCP/SSL]
2015/01/22 14:41:39 (listen_succeeded_alert) successfully listening on [TCP] [::]:6881
2015/01/22 14:41:39 (listen_succeeded_alert) successfully listening on [TCP/SSL] [::]:4433
2015/01/22 14:41:39 (listen_succeeded_alert) successfully listening on [UDP]
2015/01/22 14:41:39 (state_changed_alert) My Neighbor Totoro.avi: state changed to: dl metadata
2015/01/22 14:41:39 (torrent_added_alert) My Neighbor Totoro.avi added
2015/01/22 14:41:39 (add_torrent_alert) added torrent: http://.../F2C2DCCDEE3822F089E8AAF04118469FBE82CF5A.torrent
2015/01/22 14:41:39 (torrent_resumed_alert) My Neighbor Totoro.avi resumed
2015/01/22 14:41:39 (metadata_received_alert) My Neighbor Totoro.avi metadata successfully received
2015/01/22 14:41:39 (state_changed_alert) My Neighbor Totoro.avi: state changed to: downloading
2015/01/22 14:41:39 (state_changed_alert) My Neighbor Totoro.avi: state changed to: checking (r)
2015/01/22 14:41:39 (state_changed_alert) My Neighbor Totoro.avi: state changed to: downloading
2015/01/22 14:41:39 (torrent_checked_alert) My Neighbor Totoro.avi checked
2015/01/22 14:41:39 (tracker_announce_alert) My Neighbor Totoro.avi (udp://...:80/announce) sending announce (started)
2015/01/22 14:41:39 (tracker_reply_alert) My Neighbor Totoro.avi (udp://...:80/announce) received peers: 182
2015/01/22 14:41:43 (dht_reply_alert) My Neighbor Totoro.avi () received DHT peers: 1
2015/01/22 14:41:43 (dht_reply_alert) My Neighbor Totoro.avi () received DHT peers: 2
2015/01/22 14:41:44 Downloading, overall progress: 0.00%, dl/ul: 52.351/8.843 kbps, peers/seeds: 47/41, DHT nodes: 189
2015/01/22 14:41:44 Files: [0] 0.00%
2015/01/22 14:41:54 Downloading, overall progress: 0.35%, dl/ul: 1096.461/39.321 kbps, peers/seeds: 68/65, DHT nodes: 213
2015/01/22 14:41:59 Files: [0] 0.16%
2015/01/22 14:42:04 Downloading, overall progress: 1.27%, dl/ul: 1466.042/51.495 kbps, peers/seeds: 82/77, DHT nodes: 231

It will run until you press Ctrl+C or send /shutdown command (via HTTP request) as shown later. As log states, torrent2http has started HTTP server on localhost:5001 (as specified in --bind option). Now you can request files and torrent info.

HTTP commands

You can use browser to test commands manually. Just type http://localhost:5001/command


Dumps torrent status in JSON format:

{"name":"My Neighbor Totoro.avi","state":3,"state_str":"downloading","error":"","progress":0,"download_rate":0.01171875,
  • Name of downloaded torrent
  • State, integer from 0 to 7
  • State description, one of "queued_for_checking", "checking_files", "downloading_metadata", "downloading", "finished", "seeding", "allocating", "checking_resume_data"
  • Torrent error, if any
  • Download progress, float in range from 0 to 1
  • Download rate, kB/s
  • Upload rate, kB/s
  • Total downloaded bytes
  • Total uploaded bytes
  • Connected peers count
  • Connected seeds count
  • Total seeds count
  • Total peers count


Lists all files in torrent in HTML format:

My Neighbor Totoro.avi


Downloads/starts streaming file with specified name


Downloads/starts streaming file with specified number


Lists all files in torrent in JSON format:

{"files":[{"name":"My Neighbor Totoro.avi","save_path":"C:\\Temp\\My Neighbor Totoro.avi",

Each file information contains:

  • Name of the file
  • Path to the file on the disk
  • URL that may be used for download or stream the file
  • Size of the file
  • Offset of this file in the torrent
  • Downloaded bytes
  • Download progress, float in range from 0 to 1


Lists connected peers:

"total_download":357855,"country":"","client":"μTorrent 3.4.2"},
"total_download":9945,"country":"","client":"μTorrent 3.4.2"}]}


Lists trackers:

"min_announce_in":6,"error_code":0, "error_message":"","message":"","tier":0,


Gracefully shuts down torrent2http. Downloaded files will be removed unless one of --keep-files, --keep-complete-files or --keep-incomplete-files is set


To Steeve Morin for his work.