
Veracode Scan Compare

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Veracode Scan Compare

This is an unofficial Veracode product. It does not come with any support or warrenty.

Use this console tool to compare two Veracode Static Analysis (SAST) scans. The scans must have completed for the comparison to work.


We recommend you configure a Veracode API credentials file as documented here: https://docs.veracode.com/r/c_configure_api_cred_file.

Alternatively you can use environment variables (VERACODE_API_KEY_ID and VERACODE_API_KEY_SECRET) or CLI flags (-vid and -vkey) to authenticate with the Veracode APIs.

./scan_compare -h
Scan Compare v1.x
Copyright © Veracode, Inc. 2022. All Rights Reserved.
This is an unofficial Veracode product. It does not come with any support or warrenty.

Usage of scan_compare:
  -a string
        Veracode Platform URL or build ID for scan "A"
  -b string
        Veracode Platform URL or build ID for scan "B"
  -region string
        Veracode Region [global, us, eu]
  -vid string
        Veracode API ID - See https://docs.veracode.com/r/t_create_api_creds
  -vkey string
        Veracode API key - See https://docs.veracode.com/r/t_create_api_creds

Example Usage

./scan_compare -a https://analysiscenter.veracode.com/auth/index.jsp#StaticOverview:75603:793744:22132159:22103486:22119136::::5000002 -b https://analysiscenter.veracode.com/auth/index.jsp#StaticOverview:75603:793744:22131974:22103301:22118951::::4999988

If you know the build IDs you can use them instead of URLs like so:

./scan_compare -a 22132159 -b 22131974

Using Docker:

docker run -t -v "$HOME/.veracode:/.veracode" antfie/scan_compare -a https://analysiscenter.veracode.com/auth/index.jsp#StaticOverview:75603:793744:22132159:22103486:22119136::::5000002 -b https://analysiscenter.veracode.com/auth/index.jsp#StaticOverview:75603:793744:22131974:22103301:22118951::::4999988

Example Output




go run *.go

