
Easiest way to setup Vuls

Primary LanguageShell


Vulsctl was created to ease setup for Vuls. Each shell script is a wrapper for docker command.

setup Docker

$ sudo systemctl start docker

Clone Vulsctl

$ git clone https://github.com/vulsio/vulsctl.git
$ cd vulsctl

Fetch Vulnerability Database

$ ./update-all.sh

Scan and Report

Prepare config.toml in the same directory.

$ cat $HOME/vulsctl/config.toml 
host        = ""
port        = "22"
user        = "centos"
# keypath in the Vuls docker container
keyPath     = "/root/.ssh/id_rsa"

SSH before scanning to add fingerprint to $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts on the Docker host.

$ ssh centos@ -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pem
$ ./scan.sh 
$ ./report.sh
$ ./tui.sh

For details, see