- 2
Support monorepos like TurboRepo.
#640 opened by chrisbull - 0
- 0
- 4
Breaks when the `tsconfig.json` file has `extends`
#564 opened by kevbook - 2
Add Oxlint implementation guide and CLI option
#631 opened by runyasak - 2
Upgrade from `2.23.0` to `2.24.0` introduced a breaking dependency update, forcing node v20 as the new baseline
#569 opened by chrisspiegl - 1
- 1
The eslint-plugin-depreciation rule cannot be used
#628 opened by jeffhuien - 6
- 2
Allow setting `files` for each package (react, solid, astro etc.) in the options
#626 opened by m4rvr - 1
- 2
Unable to use `react` config on ESLint v9
#571 opened by fregante - 2
- 2
- 2
- 6
`ts/consistent-type-imports` "You have used a rule which requires parserServices to be generated."
#570 opened by fregante - 1
Merge prettier plugins for formatters
#613 opened by suppayami - 1
The js rule options were ignored when mapping to ts
#609 opened by lvjiaxuan - 2
- 2
- 3
Setup Wizard didn't work as expected
#597 opened by Zxilly - 3
"node:test" gets rewritten as "vitest"
#602 opened by danielrhodes - 4
- 5
Use the entire `recommended` config from unicorn
#595 opened by fregante - 0
chore: update from `eslint-plugin-markdown` to `@eslint/markdown` and use new rules
#599 opened by pauliesnug - 1
Nested gitignores are not supported
#600 opened by Dimava - 0
Request textDocument/codeAction failed.
#598 opened by pengziyun - 4
TypeError Unknown file extension ".ts" in Nuxt Layers
#580 opened by leosin - 1
pnpm i -D eslint @antfu/eslint-config [install error]
#593 opened by mo-xuan - 2
false positive of `Detected running in editor,`
#590 opened by ryoppippi - 1
type-aware rule in typescript is not overridden
#584 opened by ryoppippi - 1
- 3
- 14
- 2
`Note: detected a parser other than @typescript-eslint/parser` (Because of vue)
#586 opened by phoenix-oes - 1
max-len auto fix, is it possible?
#582 opened by mttzzz - 0
- 2
- 1
ConfigError: Config "antfu/javascript/rules": Key "rules": Key "accessor-pairs": structuredClone is not defined
#579 opened by liu-xinhui - 1
- 0
not automatically fixing
#575 opened by jane-hernandez-sf - 0
default prettier `printWidth: 120` not work as expected
#572 opened by HADB - 1
i cant ignore root folder
#568 opened by yyqxjwxy - 2
Parsing error with Nuxt and TypeScript
#565 opened by iamwxq - 5
- 0
- 0
How about extract a function to calculate `isInEditor` for external custom rules to use?
#555 opened by yunsii - 1
Use `fixable: true` for `eslint.rules.customizations`
#551 opened by Dimava - 1
eslint-plugin-vitest no working
#550 opened by chenyulun - 1
Typescript rules don't work in astro components
#546 opened by soerenmartius