
Stub Nuxt's generated tsconfig.json at installation.

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Stub Nuxt's generated tsconfig.json at installation.


Nuxt handles the tsconfig under .nuxt/tsconfig.json dynamically for you. And commonly your root tsconfig.json is essential a redirection like:

  "extends": "./.nuxt/tsconfig.json"

The directory .nuxt is excluded from the source control. Meaning in CI environment, the .nuxt/tsconfig.json does not exist on the initial checkout, which might cause some TypeScript related tools to fail. You can run nuxi prepare asking Nuxt to generate one for you, or any Nuxt commands like nuxi dev nuxi build will also generate it along the way.

This package is to solve a niche problem that you might want to use the tsconfig before running Nuxt commands. This uses postinstall to create an empty JSON file at .nuxt/tsconfig.json if it does not exist already.


npm i nuxt-tsconfig-stub -D

That's it.



MIT License © 2022 Anthony Fu