- 0
- 1
- 0
numerous error messages in console
#194 opened by uinstinct - 8
element-plus styles lose
#163 opened by QC2168 - 3
useStorageLocal in dev and build mode
#120 opened by thanhnguyen0904 - 7
error on openOptionsPage
#171 opened by mia-zhao - 25
- 1
Fix HMR in contentScript App by using an iframe
#139 opened by louisremi - 5
Sidepanel example
#174 opened by FlavioZanoni - 2
- 8
How to change the element plus class namespace
#175 opened by QC2168 - 1
docs: update components README plugin name and link
#172 opened by RuSenLi - 1
Vite server did not start
#170 opened by BadarSaghir - 3
Popup & Option doesn't work when after build.
#169 opened by iNuoers - 1
Send message not working from custom html page.
#72 opened by coure2011 - 8
process is not defined in content script
#95 opened by chan-dev - 2
Matches on content_script dont work
#116 opened by capoia - 2
env.ts:17 Uncaught ReferenceError: __DEFINES__ is not defined at env.ts:17:17
#79 opened by martinhschei - 5
Invalid assets URL in dev mode
#156 opened by Elliot67 - 2
- 2
e2e basic tests fails
#159 opened by Norfeldt - 4
- 3
Storage reactivity
#111 opened by ManUtopiK - 1
Crash on Windows when is enabled
#80 opened by eugenesvk - 1
insecure sources are not allowed in content_security_policy.extension_pages (Firefox)
#142 opened by bakatrouble - 1
[webext-bridge] No handler registered in 'content-script' to accept messages with id 'get-name'
#144 opened by capoia - 1
Why new tab 'Document' is opened on startup?
#154 opened by dyardy - 1
- 8
refactor/mv3 contentScript HMR is not work
#114 opened by xlzy520 - 3
- 1
Vue.js not detected by Vue dev tools
#149 opened by albertpratomo - 2
community version that supports Manifest V3
#143 opened by taricov - 1
React port of Vitesse-webext
#140 opened by louisremi - 3
branch: refactor/mv3 use tsx
#112 opened by xlzy520 - 3
Vite server did not start
#129 opened by flynncao - 0
error from bg.js :Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
#128 opened by robsuncn - 0
- 0
Safari browser.runtime.onInstalled not working
#123 opened by luedrame - 1
on running pnpm dev, got SyntaxError.
#115 opened by PhantasWeng - 2
- 1
- 6
After pnpm install, it reports an error
#101 opened by king-open - 3
- 1
Readme Uno CSS
#102 opened by ManUtopiK - 1
#92 opened by dxhuii - 4
Can't Inject Vue App into the Content Script
#91 opened by flashclub - 1
Would you like to add SolidJS to this template?
#83 opened by eugenesvk - 2
Extension page is immediately closed on save HMR
#82 opened by zuramai - 4
pnpm install fails
#70 opened by TonyThorne - 0