
Smart selection with double clicks for VS Code.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Smart Clicks VS Code

Visual Studio Marketplace Version

Smart selection with double clicks for VS Code.
GIF Demo


Double clicks on the code.


Pair to inner content of brackets.

(foo, bar)

- to identifier.


= to HTML attribute.

<div class="btn"></div>

< to the entire element.


Open and close tags of a HTML element.

 └─┘              └─┘

=> to arrow function.

(a, b) => a + b

= to assignment.

const a = []

Blocks like if, for, while, etc. in JavaScript.

function () {     }

import { ref } from 'vue'

This rule is disabled by default.

: to the value.

{ foo: { bar } }

Matches JSX elements' start and end tags.

  └───────┘     └───────┘


All the rules are enabled by default. To disable a specific rule, set the rule to false in smartClicks.rules of your VS Code settings:

// settings.json
  "smartClicks.rules": {
    "dash": false,
    "html-element": false,
    "js-block": true



Inspired by HBuilderX, initiated by 恐粉龙.


MIT License © 2022 Anthony Fu