
PoC of handling the failure of a consul datacenter when using consul-template and a multi-datacenter setup

Primary LanguagePython


A simple ansible playbook which demonstrates how to handle the failure of a consul datacenter (in a distributed WAN setup) by using a plugin.


$ ansible-playbook -i localhost site.yml


This playbook:

  1. Sets up a 3 datacenter consul setup:
  • alpha
  • beta
  • gamma
  1. Runs consul-template and validates that all 3 datacenters are mentioned in the outputted template.

  2. Stops 2 of the 3 servers in the beta datacenter (thereby causing the cluster to lose consensus).

  3. Runs consul-template and validates that the alpha and gamma dataceters are mentioned in the outputted template, and that the beta datacenter is not present in the outputted template.