
An email framework that is the pinnacle of email.

Primary LanguageCSS

Alex Ilhan's Zenith Framework modified for use with Gulp on NodeJS.

This version includes CSS Autoprefixer and BrowserSync for automatic browser refresh on file save.

Alex Ilhan has written a guide on using Sass in email!

Find out how to start using this template by going to Alex Ilhan Litmus Community guide.

What is Zenith?

Zenith is an email framework made easy using Sass.


  • Mobile responsive grid that automatically calculates widths from the overall width of the email
  • Easily control layout, typography, colour schemes, etc via a variables Sass file
  • Pre-set button styles that you can easily customise
  • Logical Sass statements to make life easier
  • Automatically inline styles
  • Automatically autoprefix styles
  • Automatically refreshes browser on save


$ npm install

When building

$ gulp dev

Make your CSS changes in the Sass folder, and HTML changes in the src folder. Your compiled files (Inlined styled HTML with autoprefixed CSS) will be presesnt in the dist folder. They will update everytime you save your HTML or SCSS. Your browser will also refresh when everything compiles.

When finished

$ gulp