
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to Coffee-Up!



Coffee-Up! is a game that emulates the start of a coffee business from its grand opening to its normal days! Customers come in and order drinks consisting of a list of ingredients. Your responsibility is to assemble the drink together as more customers come in to the shop. This game is phase and level-based in that every week consists of 7 levels, representing every day of the week. For example, Phase 1 is the grand opening week and every level represents level each day of the week. e.g (Monday - Sunday). So, the goal is to:

  1. Prevent as many customers from waiting as possible by making their drinks fast;

  2. Maximize sales(points)

  3. The business will close if your sales reaches below 0

Functionality & MVPs

In Coffee-Up!, users will be able to:

  1. Pause and unpause a game.

  2. Fill a randomly generated coffee order by pressing a combination of two buttons corresponding to the drink category and drink ingredient.

  3. Click on an instructions buttons

  4. See the score, represented by sales, which would decrease everytime the player fails create a drink in time.

Users must:

  1. Fill the order in time without fail. Failure to press the right key combinations will result in restarting the order.

Orders will:

  1. Come in increasing numbers based on the day of the week

  2. Be deleted and subtract points from the score if the time spent waiting for the order is too long.

Game Difficulty is comprised of:

  1. Phases and Days of the week

    • For example, Phase 1 represents the "grand opening" week, consisting of levels of 1-7
    • As level passes, more orders come in
    • As each phase passes, more drink combinations are created as your business "grows"

Game Score is determined by:

  1. Initial start up amount

  2. Accumulated points

  3. Multiplier (increases based on how many wrong orders occured during the level)

In addition, Coffee-Up! will include:

  1. A README file

  2. Instructions



  1. Drink assembly is done by by pressing a Category Key (which corresponds to the ingredient category) in combination with a Ingredient Key (which corresponds to an ingredient/component of the coffee drink).

    • The Direction Keys are

      1. The Left button = Drink Size
      2. The Right button = Coffee-Type
      3. The Up button = Toppings
      4. The Down button = Temperature
    • The Ingredients Keys are

      1. The Drink Size keys
        • Q = Small
        • W = Medium
        • E = Large
      2. The Coffee-Type keys
        • A = Regular Coffee
        • S = Cold Brew
        • D = Latte
        • F = Cappucino
      3. The Toppings keys
        • Z = Tapioca
        • X = Sugar
        • C = Milk
      4. The Temperature keys
        • 1 = Hot
        • 2 = Cold

Technologies, Libraries, APIs

This project will be implemented with the following technologies:

  1. Canvas API to render the board
  2. Webpack to bundle and transpile the source JavaScript code
  3. npm to manage project dependencies
  4. HTML and CSS to provide a structure and styling
  5. JavaScript to provide behavior to the code

Inplementation Timeline

  1. Thursday: Project Setup

    • Being more comfortable with webpack, Canvas API, and looking through javascript event handling material.
    • Watch a few tutorial videos and look through App Academy Open content
    • Decide what technologies to use
    • Decide which canvas background and sprites to use
  2. Friday & Weekend:

    • Friday

      1. The majority of Friday will be spent watching tutorials on respective technologies and reading documentation in preparation to implement the logic of the game.

      2. Being more comfortable with the environment

      3. Revisiting and solidifying the concept of JavaScript Object-Oriented Programming

    • Saturday & Sunday

      1. Start the creation of all the classes and determine what methods and instance variables they would have

      2. Begin the blueprint to game logic and have all script files sorted.

      3. If time permits, keep searching for more pixelarts, tutorials, and an audio API implementation.

  3. Monday:

    • Implement all the underlying logic of the game.
    • Make sure everything renders correctly appropriately.
  4. Tuesday:

    • Finish making sure everything is rendered appropriatly in the canvas.
    • Create the instruction modal as a hover.
    • After that, focus on user controls: start, stop, reset.
  5. Wednesday:

    • Finish implementing user control.
    • Implement the styling portion if time permits.
    • Add person nav links.
  6. Thursday Morning: Deploy to Github pages

Favorite Code Snippet

    generateRandomOrders() {                   
        const clevel = this.cl;
        const cphase = (this.cp === 1) ? this.cp : Math.ceil(this.cp / 2);
        const finalOrderArray = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < clevel; i++) { 
            const orderArray = [];


            for (let j = 0; j < cphase; j++) {

        return finalOrderArray;

    generateRandomIndex(list) {
        return Math.floor(Math.random() * (list.length));

This code snippet was my favorite part of the project because it represents how the orders in the game are generated. The first function returns a 2D array of orders for every round. The elements of the array are orders that are generating by randomly indexing into an array/dictionary. The second function is a helper method that generates the random index.

Bonus Implementation

if time permits:

  • There will be an audio API implementation, allowing a user to lower music, stop music and play music.

  • NPC Customer Animation towards cashier and away from cashier.