
Fullstack project

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Manazon is a global e-commerce website that sells gym equipment, clothes and other fitness related items. Similar to its clone/counterpart, users should be able to log-in/log-out, see a list of items and then add items to a shopping cart.


Product, Shopping Cart, and Reviews

  • A user should be able to click on a product on the homepage and take the user to the specific product listing
  • A logged-in user should be able to add/remove an item to and from his/her shopping cart
  • Reviews for a specific product should appear under its product listing on the show page
  • A logged-in user should be able to change the quantity of items in his/her cart

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Code challenges

  1. Updating the cart quantity in add to cart feature

addToCart(e) {
    const { product, currentUserId, allCarts } = this.props;
    if (!currentUserId) {
    const cartItem = {
      productQuantity: parseFloat(this.state.cartQuantity),
      productId: product.id,
      shopperId: currentUserId,

    let currentCartId;
    allCarts.forEach((cartItem) => {
      if (cartItem.productId === product.id) {
        currentCartId = cartItem.id;

    const placeholder = allCarts.filter(
      (cartItem) => cartItem.id === currentCartId

    const currentQuantity =
      placeholder.length > 0 ? placeholder[0].productQuantity : 0;
    const updatedCartItem = {
        parseFloat(this.state.cartQuantity) + parseFloat(currentQuantity),
      productId: product.id,
      shopperId: currentUserId,
      id: currentCartId,
    if (this.checkCartContent()) {
        .then(() => this.props.history.push("/cart_items"));
    } else {
        .then(() => this.props.history.push("/cart_items"));
  • Solved by using a placeholder constant to store the reference
  • Accounted for if the item is already in the cart or not using the appropriate the ajax request
  • Fixed it by passing the necessary props down to child components and consistently looking at thunk logger to see if any variables are undefined
  1. Potential frontend filtering for search feature

  • will implement in the feature
  handleSearch() {
    const searchResults = [];
    const keywords = this.state.query.toLowerCase().split(" ");
    keywords.forEach((word) => {
      this.props.ProductIndex.forEach((product) => {
        if (product.title.toLowerCase().indexOf(word) !== -1)
    this.setState({ searchArray: searchResults });

Technologies used

  • Ruby
  • Rails
  • Node
  • PostgreSQL
  • HTML, CSS, Javascript

Future Plans

  • Finish debugging the update feature for cart items
  • Update reviews feature
  • Search feature
  • Finish CSS for entire site