
Python script analysing Spotify Stream History data

Primary LanguagePython

seabord# Spotistat

This is a simple python script printing pretty plots and charts based on Spotify streaming history data. Now you too can check the number of times you listened to your favourite song, before Spotify End's Year Summary! Isn't this awesome?

By the way, watch this video if you're interested in how this repo came to be.

Prepare an environment


  1. Download Python3 and install pip
  • Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install python3
sudo apt install python3-pip
  • Centos:
sudo yum install python3
  • Manjaro:
sudo pacman -S python3
sudo pacman -S python-pip


  1. Download Python3

    Look here.

  2. Install pip

    Look here

Install required packages (pandas, numpy, seaborn, matplotlib)

pip install -r required.txt


pip install pandas numpy seaborn matplotlib


Spotify lets you download zip with your data, there is one or more files containing you streaming history, these are called StreamingHistoryX, where X is a number. Run the spotistat.py script followed by path to all of you StreamingHistoryX files.


python3 spotistat.py '../MyData/StreamingHistory0.json' '../MyData/StreamingHistory1.json'