
Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT

A library for easily querying mixpanel.

Mixpanel is great but sometimes you want to do some more advanced analysis. This library is meant to make exporting data from mixpanel easy.


The library provides two central function:

mixpanel :: (MixpanelQuery a, FromJSON b) => MixpanelConfig -> a -> IO (Maybe b)


export :: (MixpanelQuery a, FromJSON b) => MixpanelConfig -> a -> IO [Maybe b]

The only differece between these two functions is mixpanel can be used to query all of mixpanels query endpoints other than events export, while export handles exporing events. The reason for this division is the event export retrurns afile with new line separated json objects instead of a valid json object. That difference can be seen in the signatures of both functions, where mixpanel returns a single json value, export returns a list of them.


To get a MixpanelConfig use the provided defaultConfig function to future proof your application.

config = defaultConfig { apiKey = "API_KEY"
                       , apiSecret = "API_SECRET"

You will need to provide the API_KEY and API_SECRET from your own project.

MixpanelQuery typeclass

The MixpanelQuery typeclass exists mostly for future expansion. Right now the is a single provided instance instance MixpanelQuery (Map Text Text). This instance allows enough flexibilty to query all of mixpanels endpoints.

surveyQuery   = insert "endpoint" "http://mixpanel.com/api/2.0/engage/"
              $ insert "selector" "any(properties[\"$answers\"], item[\"$survey_id\"] == 25000 and item[\"$collection_id\"] == 26000)"
              $ insert "limit" "1000"
              $ empty :: Map Text Text

As you can see we provide the full path to the endpoint we wish to query. The rest of the parameters depend on the endpoint you are qerying. The documented endpoints can be found here.


Results can be returned as any type with a FromJSON instance valid to the result from mixpanel. If you would like to use your own type feel free. If you don't have one you can use the default aeson json type:

response <- mixpanel config query :: IO (Maybe Value)