

A coding challenge to to learn CW's full stack.


A simple mobile app that displays a scrolling list of users retrieved from a server.

On pressing an item, a details page containing the users profile image, their age, how long until their next birthday and their rating appears.

On pressing Edit, Save and cancel buttons appear as well as + and - buttons. These allow you to increment or decrement the users rating. If Save pressed, the new value is persisted to the database. If Cancel pressed, the rating reverts to it's previous value.

The server for this app is in a separate repository:


Technologies Used

  • Xcode - iOS Simulator
  • React Native
  • React Navigation
  • Node
  • Expo
  • ES6 javascript
  • ES7 decorators


  • git clone
  • cd CW_React-Native_Project
  • cd PeopleApp
  • npm install

How to use

  • run npm run ios