
Makers BNB week 6

Primary LanguageRuby


Creating a web app which will allow Users to list spaces they have available for rent. Will also allow Users to rent available spaces from other Users.

App written using Ruby 2.4.1 Additional gems required in Gemfile


Creating a web app which will allow Users to list spaces they have available for rent. Will also allow Users to rent available spaces from other Users.

App written using Ruby 2.4.1 Additional gems required in Gemfile

User Stories

As a member of the public
So that I can use the site features
I would like to be ale to sign up as a User

As a user
So that I can rent my spaces
I would like to be able to make space listings

As a user with multiple spaces
So I can maximise the value of the site
I would like to be able to have multiple spaces listed at the same time

As a user with a space to rent
So that my space can be rented
I would like to provide some information about my space

As a user with a space to rent
So that renters know when my space is available
I would like to provide a range of dates that my space is available for rent

As a user
So that I can rent a space
I would like to be able to request to rent a space for one night

As a user who owns a space
So I can have control over who rents my space
I would like to be able to approve requests

As a user who owns a space
So that my renters get the best experience
I would like for only one user to be able to book a space each night

As a user looking to rent a space
So that I can still try and book a space for the night
I would like to be able to submit rent requests for spaces until a request has been confirmed.