
A JavaScript Tech-Test for Compare the Market

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A javascript application that counts occurrences of words in a .txt file and outputs the resultant hash including whether the number of occurrences is a prime number.


User Stories

As a user,
so that I can see the number of times a word appears in a txt file,
I want to be able to output the individual words and how many times it appears.

As a user,
Because I am curious, I would like to see if the occurrences of the words are prime numbers,
that is, if the number is divisible by only itself and 1.

Part 1

First I created an Array and populated it with the individual words in a string. Next I changed the split method to ignore whitespace. Then I again changed the split method to ignore punctuation. When I was sure that I was populating the Array with just words I implemented a function to count the occurrences and add the results to a Hash.

Part 2

The second part of the exercise was to determine if the occurrences were primes, I then added this information to the Hash in the form of a boolean.

Part 3

Until this point I had written the application in VanillaJS but had to add the Node 'require' module to read from a text file, this was unforeseen and was what I found most challenging.


Technologies Used

  • VanillaJS
  • Jasmine
  • Node.js


  • git clone https://github.com/anthony-crisp/wordCounter
  • cd wordCounter
  • npm install

How to use

  • run node lib/app.js lib/data/testText.txt (Test examples)
  • run node lib/app.js lib/data/railway-children-by-e-nesbit.txt (Book as required by client)

Running Tests

open SpecRunner.html