This package is intended to build reactor network models for exhaust plumes based on user input and incorporate some methods for analysis of the results.
This package can be installed via conda but the appropriate channels have to be available to conda or the install will fail. I suggest creating an environment via
conda create --name pyplume -c anthony-walker -c cantera -c conda-forge pyplume
This should ensure that all the appropriate channels are accessible. If you know they are added, you can use
conda create --name pyplume -c anthony-walker pyplume
Otherwise, the package can be installed with conda
conda install -c anthony-walker pyplume
This package can also be pip installed but pip
will not install the necessary dependencies---so make sure they're installed first by whatever means.
pip install pyplume
This package relies on Cantera and other packages. If there is a failure in the conda install
process be sure to check that the appropriate channels are added or add them to the install command, e.g.,
conda create --name pyplume -c anthony-walker -c cantera -c conda-forge pyplume
conda config --add channels cantera
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels anthony-walker
The model generation two requires chemical mechanisms to run. Some of these mechanisms can be found within Cantera and exploited that way. Otherwise, mechanisms files that you want to use with this model generation software can be managed in two ways. The first way is through the command line interface (CLI). The pyplume.mech
is the command which will be used to invoke the necessary commands to manage the mechanisms.
To list the functions, invoke the help menu.
pyplume.mech -h
usage: pyplume.mech [-h] [-r] [-l] [-a ADD] [-d DELETE] [-t]
This is the commandline interface for managing mechanism files of PyPlume.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r, --restore set this flag to restore mechanism files.
-l, --list set this flag to list mechanism files.
-a ADD, --add ADD this can be used to add a mechanism file to the codes internal data.
-d DELETE, --delete DELETE
this can be used to delete a mechanism file to the codes internal data.
-t, --test set this flag to run test functions.
After that there are only 5 other options: restore, list, add, delete, and test.
pyplume.mech -r
restores the original mechanisms from a backup folder. This will overwrite any mechanisms with the same name as the original set of mechanisms.
pyplume.mech -l
lists all the mechanisms currently available to the program.
pyplume.mech -a mySuperCoolMech.cti
will add mySuperCoolMech.cti
to the mechanisms available to the program.
pyplume.mech -d mySuperCoolMech.cti
will delete mySuperCoolMech.cti
from the mechanisms available to the program.
pyplume.mech -t
will run a set of test functions designed to test this module.
The second way of managing mechanism files is through a script. This can be done with internal functions as
import pyplume.mech
import pyplume.tests.testMechs
cti = 'mySuperCoolMech.cti'
pyplume.mech.mechFileAdd(cti) #Add mechanism file
pyplume.mech.mechFileDelete(cti) #Delete mechanism file
pyplume.mech.mechFileRestore() #Restore mechanism files
pyplume.mech.mechFileList() #list mechanism files
pyplume.tests.testMechs.CLI() #Run tests for mech management
The model generation tool can be implemented with the most functionality in a script but there is also a command line interface. The code works by creating an object which represents a complex reactor network created by Cantera. This reactor network is made up of a three reservoirs, a combustor, and the desired exhaust network. One reservoir is for the fuel/air mixture, one is for atmosphere entrainment, and one is for the final exhaust stage. The combustor assumes the mechanism of the fuel/air reservoir and the exhaust is the focus of the model which has the most configurable options. The reactors in the system are connected via multiple MassFlowController
objects based on an adjacency matrix of connections. The fuel/air reservoir is connected to the combustor with the mass flow function that follows.
def massFlow(t):
return combustor.mass/residenceTime
The mass flow is then maintained to the first exhaust reactor with the same mass flow function to ensure continuity. Successive reactors then evenly divide their mass amongst their sinks as follows.
def mdot(t,fcn=None):
return (self.reactors[fcn.ridx].mass / self.residenceTime(t)) / fcn.sink
Terminal exhaust reactors are connected to an exhaust reservoir by the following mass flow function, which acts as the final stage of the process.
def mdot(t,fcn=None):
return (self.reactors[fcn.ridx].mass / self.residenceTime(t))
Finally, the entrainment functions are connected to the specified reactors via a provided entrainment function. These functions are ultimately controlled by the residence time function provided. The goal of this connection method was to implement and maintain a simple form of continuity that provided a less well mixed scenario.
A model can be generated in multiple ways. The first is by creating an adjacency matrix, specifying mechansims for air, fuel, and exhaust, providing mass flow functions, and setting other configuration options. Forming the adjacency matrix is the most cumbersome part of this so some class methods have been included for this task. These class methods take other parameters used in determination of the adjacency matrix as well as the remaining parameters of the class constructor.
class PlumeModel(object):
"""PlumeModel class is used to generate a reactor network for modeling exhaust plume"""
def __init__(self, mechs, connects, residenceTime=lambda t: 0.1, entrainment=lambda t:0.1,setCanteraPath=None,build=False):
"""constructor for plume model.
mechs - an array like structure with at least 3 mechanisms, [fuelMech,atmMech,eMech1,eMech2,...,eMechN]
residenceTime - a function that specifies the residence time as a function of time---this is used to determine combustor and system mass flow rates.
entrainment - a function that specifies entrainment mass as a function of time.
connects - an 2d adjacency matrix with integer values corresponding to the appropriate mass flow function+1 in the list of mass flow functions.
So, the first mass flow function, 0 index, will be represented as 1 in the matrix. This is because these values will be used for conditionals
as well. A template matrix can be generated. The matrix should specifically
setCanteraPath - path variable to cantera mech files
build - boolean that builds network strictly from configuration in mechanism files (T,P) if true.
default: build=false
def simpleModel(cls,mechs=["gri30.cti","air.cti","gri30.cti"],residenceTime=lambda t: 0.1, entrainment=lambda t:0.1,fpath="simple.hdf5",setCanteraPath=None,build=False):
Simple model:
This classmethod builds a 1 reactor exhaust model.
[fuel res]->[combustor]->[ex1]->[exRes]
def linearExpansionModel(cls,n=10,mechs=["gri30.cti","air.cti","gri30.cti"],residenceTime=lambda t: 0.1, entrainment=lambda t:0.1,fpath="linear.hdf5",setCanteraPath=None,build=False):
Linear Expansion Model:
Use this function to generate an instance with linear expansion connects method. It takes all the parameters
that the class does except connects and replaces connects with n parameter.
n - number of reactors using linear expansion. e.g. at level 1 there is one reactor
at level two there are two and so on. n must result in an integer number of steps
based on the formula:steps=(-1+np.sqrt(1+8*n))/2
[fuel res]->[combustor]->[ex1]->[ex2]->[ex4]->[exRes]
The farfield is connected as an inlet for each exterior reactor if you were to draw them as 2D blocks.
def gridModel(cls,n=3,m=3,mechs=["gri30.cti","air.cti","gri30.cti"],residenceTime=lambda t: 0.1, entrainment=lambda t:0.1,fpath="grid.hdf5",setCanteraPath=None,build=False):
Grid model:
Use this function to generate an instance with grid connects method. It takes all the parameters
that the class does except connects and replaces connects with n parameter.
n - Integer number of reactor rows
m - Integer number of reactor columns
[fuel res]->[combustor]->
The farfield is connected as an inlet for each exterior reactor if you were to draw them as 2D blocks.
This looks something like
import pyplume.model.PlumeModel
plumeModel = PlumeModel.linearExpansionModel()
Configuration can be important to any simulation, this can be skipped if you want to use the configuration inside the supplied mechanism files.
Otherwise, PlumeModel
has 3 attributes that it uses to maintain the conditions of the model.
which is a Cantera Solution object for the fuel,
which is a Cantera Solution object for the atmosphereic conditions, and exhausts
which is a list of Cantera Solution object(s). The fuel an atmosphere conditions can be configured for each reactor as you would configure them for any other Cantera solution object. Note, that fuel is considered to be the fuel air mixture for the combustor. Since the focus on this project is the exhaust, the exhaust is produced by a single reactor which is fed into the exhaust system. The atmosphere is for entrainment purposes.
plumeModel.fuel.TPX = 300.0, 101325, 'CH4:1, O2:0.5' #K, Pa, Mole Fractions
plumeModel.atmosphere.TPX = 300.0, 101325, 'O2:0.21, N2:0.78, AR:0.01' #K, Pa, Mole Fractions
plumeModel.exhausts[3].TPX= 300.0, 101325, 'O2:0.21, N2:0.78, AR:0.01' #Set conditions for exhaust 3
Now that the plumeModel
's conditions are set, it can be built and advanced to a specific time or to steady state as
plumeModel.buildNetwork() #Build reactor network based on conditions
plumeModel(0.1) #advance to time=0.1 s
The data for the plumeModel
can be viewed in one of two ways. If fpath
is specified in the constructor or class methods then an hdf5
file is produced which contains the data generated. The plumeModel
can also be called with the print
plumeModel.ptype=True #True for sparse print, False for dense print
The sparse print produces the following. Dense printing adds mass fractions of each reactor.
PyPlume Network Model Summary:
fuel: T: 300.00 K, V: 1.00 m^3, mass: 0.08 kg
atmosphere: T: 300.00 K, V: 1.00 m^3, mass: 1.18 kg
combustor: T: 300.00 K, V: 1.00 m^3, mass: 0.08 kg
exhaust0: T: 300.00 K, V: 1.01 m^3, mass: 0.09 kg
exhaust: T: 300.00 K, V: 1.00 m^3, mass: 1.18 kg
Reactor Network Mass Fractions:
If you want to generate the file then manage it separately, the h5Writer
class can be used for this purpose.
import output,numpy
file = h5w.f #this gets file object
h5w(numpy.ones(h5w.dshape[1])) #This appends a vector of ones to the hdf5 file.
The command line is currently only set up to run class method models. This can be with pyplume.model chosenModel
usage: pyplume.model [-h] [-ss] [-t0 [T0]] [-tf [TF]] [-dt [DT]] [-t] [-v]
This is the commandline interface for running an exhaust network.
positional arguments:
{simple,grid,linear} This is a required arguement that specifies the model
which will be used. Currently implemented choices are
simple, grid, and linear.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-ss, --steady set this flag run to steady state after integration
-t0 [T0] Initial integration time
-tf [TF] Final integration time
-dt [DT] Integration time interval
-t, --test set this flag to run test functions.
-v, --verbose set this flag to run print statements during the process.
An example of this is
pyplume.model simple -v -ss -t
which runs the simple
model with the --verbose, --steady, and --test
This produces
Creating simple model and building network.
Advancing to time: 0.000.
Advancing to time: 0.100.
Advancing to time: 0.900.
Advancing to time: 1.000.
Advancing to steady state.
Running model test suite.
========================================================= test session starts ==========================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.10, pytest-5.4.1, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /home/sokato/miniconda3/envs/pyplume/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /home/sokato
collected 5 items
../../miniconda3/envs/pyplume/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyplume/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
The methods for plotting the generated data are contained in the an hdf5
or in script are found in pyplume.figures
Basic property plotting is currently implemented through scripting or the command line interface.
fgk = figureGenerationKit('simple.hdf5',save=True,show=True)
This will plot the specified properties of simple.hdf5
as a function of time. It will also save the plots to pdf files and display them. The same functionality on the command line would look like:
pyplume.figures "simple.hdf5" -w -d -p "mass" "CO2","H2O"
The methods for plotting the generated data are contained in the an hdf5
or in script are found in pyplume.statistics
Each python file has an associated test file which contains unit test functions. As the package is developed, more functions will be added and integrated function tests will be added. Likewise, more information will be included here when possible.