Things that you should (and should not) do in your Materials Informatics research.
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- akashjn
- AndrewFalkowski
- anthony-wangDüsseldorf, Germany
- AyeshaUlde
- Chenghan-SunWPI-ICReDD
- chrisjonesBSUBoise State University
- comchem
- czhou-co
- ensemble-learningCalifornia Institute of Technology
- Evan1415London, United Kingdom
- flash-jaehyunSeoul National University
- hakonanesXnovo Technology ApS
- hasan-sayeedUniversity of Utah
- hellosamstuartAWS Professional Services
- JavanTang
- jennyfothergill
- jianpengwjj
- jonathanmfung
- khalil-ryuTunisia
- king9sunPA, US
- kjappelbaumEPFL
- lawlietsoul
- leithwj
- merveozknn
- obaicaBeijing Institute of Technology
- paniterka
- prvn-paTohoku University
- riyuejx
- Roy-debug-hub
- sgbaird@AccelerationConsortium (UoT) @sparks-baird (UoU)
- stefanbringuierIndependent Researcher
- sufyanshkIndian Institute of Technology Madras
- thomasmatt88
- uziuzihanHong Kong
- zeus401
- Zhangquan2018