
Go implementation of Conway's Game of Life

Primary LanguageGo

Game of Life

Go implementation of Conway's Game of Life


  go install github.com/anthonyalberto/gameoflife@latest


Provided $GOPATH/bin is in your $PATH :

  gameoflife [options]

Supported options :

  • -board: regular or toroidal. Toroidal wraps the board around. Default: toroidal
  • -time: how many ms to pause between generations. Default: 50
  • -pattern: pattern name. Look into the patterns folder for all supported values. Default: glidergun
  • -width: the width of the board. Adapt to your terminal. Default: 150, suggested > 80 to support all patterns.
  • -height: the height of the board. Adapt to your terminal. Default: 50, suggested > 35 to support all patterns.


Play a game that:

  • has the glidergun pattern
  • has a toroidal board that is 140x54
  • pauses between generations for 40ms
  gameoflife -board=toroidal -time=40 -pattern=glidergun -width=140 -height=54

Look at that gun being destroyed by its own bullets!
