
`timeseries` is a set django application tools designed to facilitate the collation and maintenance of timeseries data.

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timeseries is a set django application tools designed to facilitate the collation and maintenance of timeseries data.


Django versions 1.8+ are supported for projects running on PostgreSQL.


pip install django-timeseries


from datetime import timedelta
from django.db import models
from timeseries.utils import TimeSeriesModel, TimeSeriesManager

class Ad(models.Model):

    objects = TimeSeriesManager()

class RawAdData(TimeSeriesModel):

    TIMESERIES_INTERVAL = timedelta(days=1)  # update daily N.B integers in seconds also work


    ad = models.ForeignKey(Ad, related_name='rawdata')

    views = models.BigIntegerField(default=NOT_AVAILABLE)
    clicks = models.BigIntegerField(default=NOT_AVAILABLE)

class MonthlyAdReport(TimeSeriesModel):

    TIMESERIES_INTERVAL = timedelta(days=28)

    ad = models.ForeignKey(Ad, related_name='monthlyreports')

    avg_view_growth = models.FloatField()
    avg_click_growth = models.FloatField()

def ad_data_collector(queryset):
        should return an iterable that yields dictionaries of data
        needed to successfully create a RawAdData instance
    return ...

def report_data_collector(queryset):
        should return an iterable that yields dictionaries of data
        needed to successfully create a MonthlyAdReport instance
    return ...

# in a shell
>>> Ad.objects.update_timeseries('rawdata', ad_data_collector)
# this return the results of a bulk_create call from the RawAdData manager
# for ads that hadn't been updated in the last day

>>> Ad.objects.update_timeseries('monthlyreports', report_data_collector)
# this return the results of a bulk_create call from the MonthlyAdReport
# manager for ads that hadn't had a report generated in the last 28 days

>>> ad = Ad.objects.prefetch_latest('rawdata', 'monthlyreports').first()
>>> print ad.latest_rawaddata, ad.latest_monthlyreports

TimeSeries QuerySet Methods


Adds 4 main methods to the Django QuerySet API that can be used to update and maintain timeseries data. These methods include:

  • prefetch_latest
  • filter_outdated
  • last_updated
  • update_timeseries


Inputs: related_name, collector, optional force

Returns: list of instatiated related models.

Updates the queryset's related model table (as given by related_name) using a provider "collector" callable.

"collector" must take a queryset of the referenced models as its only argument. It must also return an iterable of dictionaries that can be used to construct and save instances of the related model.

N.B. Only instances that have outdated data will be updated unless explicitly forced using the "force" keyword argument.


Inputs: *related_names

Returns: queryset

Returns a queryset that will yield the model instances that have "outdated" data associated to reverse related model as given by the specified related_name.


Inputs: *related_names

Returns: queryset

Annotates the created timestamp of the latest related instance as given by the reverse relation's related_name.


ad = Ad.objects.last_updated('rawdata').first()
# assuming there's data related to ad
print ad.rawdata_last_updated
# this will print the timestamp of when the associated data was
# last updated


Inputs: *related_names

Returns: queryset

Exposes the latest associated reverse relation.


ad = Ad.objects.prefetch_latest('rawdata', 'monthlyreports').first()
print ad.latest_rawaddata, ad.latest_monthlyreports
# this will print the reprs of the latest associated data
# instances

Other Utilities



Inputs: related_name, **kwargs

Returns: django.db.models.Q instance

Constructs a django.db.models.Q instance that allows queries to be executed against the latest associated reverse relation.

N.B. this method is designed to be used in conjunction with timeseries.utils.TimeSeriesQuerySet.last_updated.


    LatestQ('rawdata', views__gt=1000)