
Template for new Rails apps

Primary LanguageRuby

Main libraries and tools used

  • Devise
Emails delivery
  • Mailtrap (dev)
  • Sendgrid (prod)
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis
Background jobs processing
  • Sidekiq
Testing and Continous Integration
  • RSpec
  • CircleCI
  • Bootstrap 4

Run the app in Development


1. Install dependencies

bundle install

2. Initialize db

bundle exec rake db:create && bundle exe rake db:migrate

3. Environment variables

Use Figaro to generate a file for configuration values and add it to .gitignore : bundle exec figaro install

4. Mailtrap

Get mailtrap credentials from the chosen inbox (https://mailtrap.io/inboxes). Add them to development environment variables in config/application.yml:

  MAILTRAP_USERNAME: "424242424242424242"
  MAILTRAP_PASSWORD: "424242424242424242"

Run the app

1. Launch redis


2. Launch sidekiq

sidekiq -q default -q mailers

3. Launch web server

rails s

Run the app in Production


1. Heroku

Create a new pipeline linked to the GitHub repo. Add these addons for each app:

  • Heroku Postgres
  • Heroku Redis
  • Sendgrid

Setup autodeploy in staging.

2. Environment variables

Add the HOSTNAME environment variable in staging and production and set its value to the app hostname, e.g. durev-template.herokuapp.com. (It is used in the mailer config, in order to get the correct domain for the emails links URL)

3. CircleCI

Add the project to CircleCI.

4. Deploy

Manually deploy from staging to production 🚀