
Terraform module for deploying AWS Session Manager

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Terraform AWS Session Manager

A Terraform module to setup AWS Systems Manager Session Manager.

This module creates the a SSM document to support encrypted session manager communication and logs. It also creates a KMS key, S3 bucket, and CloudWatch Log group to store logs. In addition, for EC2 instances without a public IP address it can create VPC endpoints to enable private session manager communication. However, the VPC endpoint creation can also be facilitated by other modules such as this. Be aware of the AWS PrivateLink pricing before deployment.


Update version to the latest release here: https://github.com/bridgecrewio/terraform-aws-session-manager/releases

Instances with Public IPs do not need VPC endpoints

module "ssm" {
  source                    = "bridgecrewio/session-manager/aws"
  version                   = "0.2.0"
  bucket_name               = "my-session-logs"
  access_log_bucket_name    = "my-session-access-logs"
  enable_log_to_s3          = true
  enable_log_to_cloudwatch  = true

Private instances with VPC endpoints for S3 and CloudWatch logging

module "ssm" {
  source                    = "bridgecrewio/session-manager/aws"
  version                   = "0.2.0"
  bucket_name               = "my-session-logs"
  access_log_bucket_name    = "my-session-access-logs"
  vpc_id                    = "vpc-0dc9ef19c0c23aeaa"
  tags                      = {
                                Function = "ssm"
  enable_log_to_s3          = true
  enable_log_to_cloudwatch  = true
  vpc_endpoints_enabled     = true

This module does not create any IAM policies for access to session manager. To do that, look at example policies in the AWS Documentation


Below is a list of this modules input values:

Name Description Type Default Required
bucket_name Name of S3 bucket to store session logs string yes
log_archive_days Number of days to wait before archiving to Glacier number 30 no
log_expire_days Number of days to wait before deleting session logs number 365 no
access_log_bucket_name Name of the S3 bucket to store bucket access logs string yes
access_log_expire_days Number of days to wait before deleting access logs number 30 no
kms_key_deletion_window Waiting period for scheduled KMS Key deletion. Can be 7-30 days number 7 no
kms_key_alias Alias of the KMS key. Must start with alias/ followed by a name string alias/ssm-key no
cloudwatch_logs_retention Number of days to retain Session Logs in CloudWatch number 30 no
cloudwatch_log_group_name Name of the CloudWatch Log Group for storing SSM Session Logs string /ssm/session-logs no
tags A map of tags to add to all resources map(string) {} no
vpc_id VPC ID to deploy endpoints to string null no
enable_log_to_s3 Enable Session Manager to Log to S3 bool true no
enable_log_to_cloudwatch Enable Session Manager to Log to CloudWatch Logs bool true no
vpc_endpoints_enabled Create VPC Endpoints bool false no


Name Example Value Description
session_logs_bucket_name my-session-logs S3 bucket for session logs
access_log_bucket_name my-session-access-logs S3 bucket for S3 access logs
cloudwatch_log_group_arn arn:aws:logs:us-west-2:123456789012:log-group:/ssm/session-logs:* CloudWatch Log group for session logs
kms_key_arn arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:123456789012:key/2320fbba-d4e5-420d-82d3-1a4d6b8605e8 KMS Key Arn for Encrypting logs and session
iam_role_arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/ssm_role IAM Role for EC2 instances
iam_profile_name ssm_profile EC2 instance profile for SSM
ssm_security_group ["sg-05e4f4cf12db5a191"] Security Group used to access VPC Endpoints
vpc_endpoint_ssm ["vpce-0cefc23e81d365733"] VPC Endpoint for SSM
vpc_endpoint_ec2messages ["vpce-0f507468fb9b06b8b"] VPC Endpoint for EC2 Messages
vpc_endpoint_ssmmessages ["vpce-0fe2cb670d40ec053"] VPC Endpoint for SSM Messages
vpc_endpoint_s3 ["vpce-0a8ebde94fa301a4a"] VPC Endpoint for S3
vpc_endpoint_logs ["vpce-08c90d8df9ef37f90"] VPC Endpoint for CloudWatch Logs
vpc_endpoint_kms ["vpce-07ddc11beac1d4a3f"] VPC Endpoint for KMS

SSM Usage Example

  • Launch an instance using the ssm_profile created by Terraform
  • Install the session-manager-plugin and start a session
cd /tmp
curl "https://s3.amazonaws.com/session-manager-downloads/plugin/latest/mac/sessionmanager-bundle.zip" -o "sessionmanager-bundle.zip"
unzip sessionmanager-bundle.zip
sudo ./sessionmanager-bundle/install -i /usr/local/sessionmanagerplugin -b /usr/local/bin/session-manager-plugin

# Verify

cd -

# Start an SSM session - Note the instance must have a public IP if you have not created VPC endpoints
aws ssm start-session --target <EC2 Instance ID>
  • Review session logs in your CloudWatch logs group
  • Review session logs in your S3 bucket