
Copy mailto links to your clipboard rather than macOS opening Mail.app

Primary LanguageTypeScript

📮 Copy email extension

Copy email is an extension for dealing with pesky mailto links you accidentally click while browsing.

There's nothing worse than thinking you're going to a contact page only to click a link, and then MacOS decides to open the Mail app. This extension will instead intercept the click and copy the email address from the mailto link on your clipboard.

  • Automatically ignores bcc, subject, etc.
  • Copies directly to your clipboard
  • Provides a notification when the address is successfully copied
  • Supports light and dark mode
  • Can turn notification off and copy email silently

Download it from the Chrome Web Store ↗

🔥 Installation

  • npm install
  • ????
  • Profit?

😎 Useful commands

Command Action
npm run build Compiles everything to dist be loaded in Chrome
npm run dev Mostly watch commands

🎉 Running locally

  • Build the extension to dist using the command above
  • Head over to chrome://extensions
  • Toggle on Developer Mode
  • Click the Load unpacked button
  • Choose the dist directory you just built