
A very simple REST API boilerplate using Express.js, Sequelize and MySQL.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Express API Boilerplate

A very mimimal REST API boilerplate using Express.js, Sequelize and MySQL.

This project is designed to work with AnthonyBudd/Vuetify-SPA-Boilerplate

  • 👥 Users, Groups and Roles
  • 🔐 Auth using JWT's with Passport.js
  • 🌐 Production-ready Kubernetes config files
  • 🥇 Real-world tested, generated over $20M in revenue


git clone git@github.com:anthonybudd/express-api-boilerplate.git
cd express-api-boilerplate
cp .env.example .env
npm install

# Private RSA key for JWT signing
openssl genrsa -out private.pem 2048
openssl rsa -in private.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public.pem

# Optional
# Find & Replace (case-sensaive, whole repo): "express-api" => "your-api-name" 

# Start the app
docker compose up
npm run _db:refresh
npm run _test


See k8s/Deploy.md

DB Structure

The DB structure is the optimum balance of functionality and minimalism. A User can belong to many Groups through the GroupsUsers table. This allows you to make very basic single-user applications that do not even require the concept of groups or full SaaS solutions with complex User-Group relationships.

+--------------+           +---------------+         +--------------+  
|Users         |---------∈ |GroupsUsers    | ∋-------|Groups        |  
|--------------|           |---------------|         |--------------|  
|id            |           |id             |         |id            |  
|email         |           |groupID        |         |name          |  
|password      |           |userID         |         |ownerID       |  
|firstName     |           |createdAt      |         |createdAt     |  
|lastName      |           |               |         |updatedAt     |  
|createdAt     |           |               |         |              |  
|updatedAt     |           |               |         |              |  
|...           |           |               |         |              |  
+--------------+           +---------------+         +--------------+  


Command Description Exmaple
jwt Generate JWT for a user docker exec -ti express-api node ./src/scripts/jwt.js --userID="c4644733-deea-47d8-b35a-86f30ff9618e"
forgotPassword Generate password reset link docker exec -ti express-api node ./src/scripts/forgotPassword.js --userID="c4644733-deea-47d8-b35a-86f30ff9618e"
resetPassword Password user password docker exec -ti express-api node ./src/scripts/resetPassword.js --userID="c4644733-deea-47d8-b35a-86f30ff9618e" --password="password"
inviteUser Invite user to group docker exec -ti express-api node ./src/scripts/inviteUser.js --email="newuser@example.com" --groupID="fdab7a99-2c38-444b-bcb3-f7cef61c275b"


Method Route Description Payload Response
GET /_readiness Kuber readiness check -- "healthy"
GET /api/v1/_healthcheck Returns {status: 'ok'} if healthy -- {status: 'ok'}
POST /api/v1/auth/login Login {email, password} {accessToken}
POST /api/v1/auth/sign-up Sign-up {email, password, firstName, tos} {accessToken}
GET /api/v1/auth/verify-email/:emailVerificationKey Verify Email -- {success: true}
POST /api/v1/auth/forgot Forgot {email} {success: true}
GET /api/v1/auth/get-user-by-reset-key/:passwordResetKey Get user for given passwordResetKey -- {id, email}
POST /api/v1/auth/reset Reset Password {email, password, passwordResetKey} {accessToken}
GET /api/v1/auth/get-user-by-invite-key/:inviteKey Get user for given inviteKey -- {id, email}
POST /api/v1/auth/invite Complete user invite process {inviteKey, email, password, ...} {accessToken}
GET /api/v1/_authcheck Returns {auth: true} if has auth -- {auth: true}
GET /api/v1/groups/:groupID Returns group by ID -- {Group}
POST /api/v1/groups/:groupID Update group by ID {name: 'New Name'} {Group}
POST /api/v1/groups/:groupID/users/invite Invite user to group {email} {UserID, GroupID}
DELETE /api/v1/groups/:groupID/users/:userID Remove user from group -- {UserID}
GET /api/v1/user Get the current user {User}
POST /api/v1/user Update the current user {firstName, lastName} {User}
POST /api/v1/user/update-password Update password {password, newPassword} {success: true}