Personal Website


My personal website. An MIT licensed, simple, easily modifiable, statically-exportable React, Jamstack application that deploys automatically for free using github pages. Built using modern javascript, based on create-react-app with React-Router, SCSS, github actions, and many other useful technologies.


Tested with: node >= v12 and optional nvm for managing node versions.

Set up

To download the repository and install dependencies, run the following commands:

git clone git:// # replace [anthonybuncio] with your github username if you fork first.
cd personal-site
nvm install # this is optional - make sure you're running >= node 12 with `node --version`
npm install


Run the following command to build the react application and serve it with fast refresh:

npm start

Your web browser should automatically open to <ip>:<port>:<path> default: http://localhost:3000/.


Deploying to Github Pages

  1. Modify the environmental variables and git remote url in .github/workflows/github-pages.yml.
  2. Modify homepage in package.json to point to where you plan to host your site. If you do not plan on using a custom domain name, it should look like https://[your-gh-username][repository-name - default:personal-site]/
  3. If you plan on using a custom domain, modify public/CNAME. If you don't, delete public/CNAME.

Make a commit to main and push your changes. That's it.

Static Export

To statically export the site without deploying to github pages, delete or disable .github/workflows/github-pages.yml and run npm run predeploy. This generates a static export of the website as personal-site/build/. Copy this and self-host or deploy to a CDN.