
Fork of @Alexis12119 nvim-config for NvNerd

Primary LanguageLua

Last commit


📄 Requirements

Before you dive in, ensure you have the following requirements installed:

Click to see the requirements

In windows, you can use scoop to install them.

💻 Installation

Please follow these steps:

  1. Preparation:

    • Ensure that Neovim is not running.
    • Remove or move your current nvim directory (if it exists).
  2. Installation:

    • On Linux/MacOS:

      bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anthonydmays/nvim-config/main/installer/install.sh)
    • On Windows (Powershell):

      Invoke-WebRequest https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anthonydmays/nvim-config/main/installer/install.ps1 -UseBasicParsing | Invoke-Expression

✨ Features

  • Plugin Management: Efficiently manage plugins with lazy.nvim.
  • Compiler: Compile your code with compiler.nvim.
  • Built-In Configuration Syncing: Synchronize the configuration with <Space> + n + u.
  • Debugging: Debug issues with nvim-dap with nvim-dap-ui.
  • Tests: Run tests with neotest.
  • Project Management: Simplify project handling with project.nvim.
  • Diff Viewer: Easily cycle through diffs with diffview.nvim.
  • Enhanced Searching: Improve searching with flash.nvim.
  • Autocompletion: Experience intelligent autocompletion with nvim-cmp.
  • Language Support: Harness the power of Language Server Protocol with nvim-lspconfig.
  • Formatting: Keep your code clean with conform.nvim.
  • Syntax Highlighting: Enjoy enhanced syntax highlighting with nvim-treesitter.
  • Fuzzy Finding: Find files and more with ease using telescope.nvim.
  • Integrated Terminal: Access a terminal within Neovim using toggleterm.nvim.
  • Git Integration: Effortlessly manage Git repositories with gitsigns.nvim and lazygit.
  • Keymap Cheatsheet: Quickly reference keymaps with which-key.nvim.
  • Markdown Preview: Preview your Markdown files with markdown-preview.nvim.


Thanks to @Alexis12119 for the excellent starting setup! Checkout the original repo at Alexis12119/nvim-config.