
JEval helps you to evaluate your JMeter test plan and provides recommendation before you start your performance testing.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

🚀 JEval

All Contributors

contributions welcome saythanks

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*            (c) NaveenKumar Namachivayam 2020                *
*                       QAInsights.com                        *
*                                                             *

JEval helps you to evaluate your JMeter test plan and provides recommendation before you start your performance testing.

🛠 Prerequisites

  • Clone this repository.
  • Install the latest version of Python
  • Install the dependencies
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Important Notes

  • JEval doesn't make any modifications to your JMeter test plan. But it is advisable to make a backup of your JMeter test plan.
  • JEval utility doesn't collect any sort of data

✨ Usage

  • cd into the repository
  • Issue the below command
    python app.py -f <JMeter-File-Path>
    python app.py -f .\jmx\Sample.jmx

💪 Output

JEval Output

✍ Log file

To view the log, open the tmp.log file.

✔ Features

  • JEval detects the JMeter version and validates the test plan.

  • JEval detects following JMeter elements

    • AuthManager
    • CookieManager
    • HeaderManager
    • CacheManager
    • CSVDataSet
    • TransactionController
    • ConfigTestElement
    • ConstantTimer
    • UniformRandomTimer
    • GaussianRandomTimer
    • Arguments
    • ProxyControl
    • RegexExtractor
    • TestAction
    • BeanShellSampler
    • JSR223Sampler
    • IfController
    • LoopController
    • ResultCollector
    • ResponseAssertion
    • XPath2Assertion
    • JSONPathAssertion
    • DebugSampler

If you want to add custom elements, you can add it in the config.yaml file.

🛑 Limitations

  • Doesn't detect JMeter plugins yet.

💰 Donate

Buy me a tea

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):



Anthony Gauthier


Leela Prasad


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!