

This app uses the following tech stack:

  • Node.JS
  • k6
  • GitHub Actions
  • helm
  • Kubernetes (in the case of the workflows: AWS EKS)
  • Terraform

The app is a small REST app with a single endpoint developed in Node using express, it is located in app/. It is containerized using Docker and pushed to GitHub Container Registry.

The infrastructure on which the app is deployed (by using Helm) is built by a Terraform module contained in terraform/

All of the builds, test, and deployments are automated through GitHub Action Workflows located in .github/workflows.

Once the infra is deployed. The app is then deployed with Helm using the Chart located in helm/. Upon completion, a performance/functional test is launched using k6 (tests located in test/) verifying that the endpoint is responding through the loadbalancer and that it has acceptable response times. If it isn't, the app is removed from the cluster.**

The cluster can be destroyed by a GitHub Action that is executed manually.

** In a real world app setting, the container image would be using semantic-versioning and only the version being deployed would be deleted from the cluster.

How To

Run app in the cloud


  • helm
  • an EKS cluster
  • a configured .kubeconfig
  • This repo cloned onto your workstation


To deploy the app to your EKS cluster, you simply execute this helm command:

# pwd == repo root
helm install -f helm/values.yaml --set image.branchName=main k8s-app ./helm


To destroy the app execute the following helm command:

# pwd == repo root
helm uninstall k8s-app

Run app locally


  • node
  • npm

Run the app

npm run start

Run the tests

npm run test