
This is a test to see if I am able to connect unity with github using github desktop

Primary LanguageShaderLab


This is a test to see if I am able to connect unity with github using github desktop.


The goal of this project is to create a 3D experience for the Hololens. This is for the duration of my summer internship. My hopes is to be able to use this as a starting point for my senior thesis.

I will be utilizing Microsoft Hololens documentation for reference.

However, I will also be using tutorials to get myself used developing using unity.

Side Tasks

Other projects associated with this one will be:

  • Developing a hololens application that could be used with the Senseglove

  • Creating the application with more of a creative approach.

    • This aligns with my personal goals. I hope to add in some of my own 3D models.