
Run unit tests in a @vue/cli project with Karma

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Run unit tests in a @vue/cli project with Karma


vue add vue-cli-plugin-unit-karma


The plugin registers a vue-cli-service test command, like the base test runners that come with @vue/cli. By default, it'll run everything in /tests/unit/ that ends in .spec.js or .spec.ts.

Command-line options include:

  • --watch, -w: run in watch mode
  • --junit [dirname], -j [dirname]: output JUnit-style XML test reports for each browser

If you needto configure the tests, you can add pluginOptions.karma to your vue.config.js, or to the "vue" key in package.json. See this file for config options.

NOTE: If you need to override specific settings in Karma itself, you can use the pluginOptions.karma.karmaConfig key. The contents will be merged into the plugin's own karma config, but be careful: if you include arrays or objects, they will completely replace the plugin's own settings for the corresponding key.


Pull requests and issues are welcome. To use the plugin locally:

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Run npm link from the repo
  3. Run npm link vue-cli-plugin-unit-karma from a @vue/cli project.