
Dishonored 2 power calculator built using Vite / React / Redux Tookit.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Coverage Status


Uses Docker. Interact via Makefile commands; see list by executing the following:


When making changes to this repository, be aware that commit messages (including merge commits) are expected to follow the conventional commits specification.


  • Implement CI flow via Docker, Github Actions, Codecov and Heroku.
  • Use conventional commits to power semantic releases.
  • Setup assets pipeline in Vite to minify imagery and HTML markup.
  • Implement Fast Refresh for React.
  • Use Jest for code coverage, mocks, stubs to implement unit tests.
  • Use Redux to manage application state, and Axios / Thunks for requests.
  • Use React-Router to manage the URL within the application.
  • Convert redux usage to utilize redux-toolkit.
  • Use validateUUID to check a valid character uuid has been supplied in the URL.
  • Progressive Web Application techniques (Web manifest, Service worker, Install prompt).
  • Component tests with Jest and React Testing Library.
  • End-to-end test suite using Cypress running against locally spun up service.