
Demonstrates using build arguments when creating an image.

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Docker Build Args Example



This repository showcases using build arguments with Docker (via Docker Compose). Build arguments are variables only available during the building of an image, and are not available to the container itself whenever it runs. They manifest themselves and are consumed like environment variables would be. They can help tailor the image as required and are often used to supply tokens needed to pull dependencies into the image being built, without compromising/leaking those tokens to the container.

In this example, we supply a REACT_VERSION build argument to ensure that the Dockerfile pulls down the intended version of React. We then do some logging to showcase that the build argument isn't available as an environment variable, and that the version of React is indeed as intended.


This example assumes you already have docker and docker-compose installed. The steps are as follows:

  1. Build the docker image and ensure that the build argument is specified as an environment variable in the CLI:
REACT_VERSION=15.4.1 docker-compose build
  1. Start the container and verify the output is as expected (React has the correct version and there's no relevant environment variable):
docker-compose up

Further Information

Some useful resources are listed below: