
AutoHotkey Scripts

Primary LanguageAutoHotkey

AutoHotkey Scripts

These are AutoHotkey scripts that I have created and personally find very useful for productivity.

In order to use the script download and run the corresponding .exe file. Please note that you can see a list of commands associated with each script when examining the corresponding .ahk file (if you aren't a super user, it is recommended to view through github in the browser).

Editing Scripts

Any and all .ahk files can be modified to specifically suit your needs.

In order to compile the .ahk scripts and view AutoHotkey sytnax, install AutoHotkey with the installer located at ~\AutoHotkey Installer\AutoHotkey_1.1.33.09_setup.exe. OR, navigate to https://www.autohotkey.com/download/ and download/run the installer.

Then, download the specific .ahk script (or fork the entire repo) and open in a text editor. From here, you may edit as desired. Once you have finished, either run the .ahk file through the AutoHotkey software or use AutoHotkey's functionality to compile the script into a software indepedent .exe. Note that the latter option allows you to run the script on any Windows machine without the AutoHotkey software, and can be programmed into startup sequence with Window's native Task Scheduler for automatic functionality.

Thanks for using!
