
It's poker...for Chromecast!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#PokerCast Receiver

##Development & Local Testing

###Setup (for development)

  1. Install NodeJS (http://nodejs.org/)
  2. Clone this repo:
    $ git clone https://github.com/anthonynatoli/PokerCast.git
  3. In the root directory of this project, install express:
    $ npm install express

###How To Run Locally

  1. Make sure you already followed the instructions Setup (for development)
  2. In the root directory of the project,
    $ npm start
  3. Visit http://localhost:9999 in your browser


###Setup (for deployment to your testing server)

  1. Install Heroku Toolbelt (http://toolbelt.heroku.com)
  2. Make sure you are in the directory that you clone this repo into
  3. Login to Heroku:
    $ heroku login
  4. Add a remote for testing (this is a private server you can deploy to for testing):
    $ git remote add [your-first-name] git@heroku.com:pokercast-[your-first-name].git

###How To Deploy To Your Testing Server

  1. Make sure you already followed the instructions Setup (for development) and Setup (for deployment to your testing server)
  2. Login to Heroku:
    $ heroku login
  3. In the root directory of the project, push to Heroku:
    $ git push [your-first-name] master
  4. Visit http://pokercast-[your-first-name].herokuapp.com in your browser


###Setup (for deployment to production)

  1. Install Heroku Toolbelt (http://toolbelt.heroku.com)
  2. Make sure you are in the directory that you clone this repo into
  3. Login to Heroku:
    $ heroku login
  4. Add Heroku remote:
    $ heroku git:remote -a pokercast

###How To Deploy To Production

  1. Make sure you already followed the instructions Setup (for development) and Setup (for deployment)
  2. Login to Heroku:
    $ heroku login
  3. In the root directory of the project, push to Heroku:
    $ git push heroku master
  4. Visit http://pokercast.herokuapp.com in your browser