
An helper class to build metadata tags on PHP pages

Primary LanguagePHP

PHP Metadata

An helper package to build metadata tags on PHP pages.


Require this package with composer.

composer require anthonypauwels/metadata

Laravel without auto-discovery:

If you don't use auto-discovery, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php:


Then add this line to your facades in config/app.php:

'Metadata' => Anthonypauwels\Metadata\Laravel\Metadata::class,


Helper function

Helper function returns an instance of Metadata.

$metadata = metadata();
metadata()->title( 'Website title' );
metadata()->description( 'Website description' );
metadata()->url( url()->full() );
metadata()->author( 'Anthony Pauwels' );
metadata()->opengraphImage( asset('/img/facebook_meta.jpg'), ['width' => 1200, 'height' => 600, 'type' => 'JPEG'] );
metadata()->twitterImage( asset('/img/twitter_meta.jpg'), ['width' => 600, 'height' => 400, 'type' => 'JPEG'] );
metadata()->twitterCard( 'app' );
metadata()->type( 'website' );

With Laravel

The package provides by default a Facade for Laravel application. You can call methods directly using the Facade or use the alias instead.

use Anthonypauwels\Metadata\Laravel\Metadata;

Metadata::title( 'Website title' );

API documentation


 * Return the Metadata instance
function getInstance():Metadata; 

 * Set an array of tags
function setTags(array $tags): Metadata;

 * Set the page title in meta tags
function title(string $title, int $flags = Metadata::ALL): Metadata;

 * Set the page description in meta tags
function description(string $description, int $flags = Metadata::ALL): Metadata;

 * Set the image for the page used for cards inside app; Can be used to set image options like size or mimetype
function image(string $url, array $options = [], int $flags = Metadata::TWITTER | Metadata::OPENGRAPH): Metadata;

* Shortcut to image() method for Twitter Card
function twitterImage(string $url, array $options = []): Metadata

* Shortcut to image() method for Opengraph
function opengraphImage(string $url, array $options = []): Metadata

 * Set the page URL
function url(string $url, int $flags = Metadata::TWITTER | Metadata::OPENGRAPH): Metadata;

 * Set the content og type
function type(string $type = 'website', array $options = []): Metadata;

 * Set the author's name
function author(string $author): Metadata;

 * Set the Twitter card format
function twitterCard(string $card_type = 'summary'): Metadata;

 * Set the Twitter website profile
function twitterSite(string $twitter_site): Metadata;

 * Set the twitter author profile
function twitterCreator(string $twitter_creator): Metadata;

 * Set the facebook app_id
function fbAppId(string $app_id): Metadata;

 * Set the facebook admins tag
function fbAdmins(string $admins): Metadata;

 * Set the og:site_name tag
function siteName(string $site_name): Metadata;

 * Disable (or enable if $value is true) the pinterest-rich-pin
function disablePinterestRichPin(bool $value = true): Metadata;

 * Set the robot meta tag
function robots(...$values): Metadata;

 * Set a meta tag with given key and given value
function meta(string $name, string $value): Metadata;

 * Set a meta tag for Twitter
function twitter(string $name, string $value, string $prefix = Metadata::TWITTER_PREFIX): Metadata;

 * Set a meta tag for Opengraph
function opengraph(string $name, string $value, string $prefix = Metadata::OPENGRAPH_PREFIX): Metadata;

 * Generate the HTML code of meta tags
function toHtml(int $flags = Metadata::ALL):string;

 * Print the generated HTML code
function print(int $flags = Metadata::ALL):void;

 * Return the HTML code of meta tags with default parameter
function __toString():string;


PHP 8.0 or above