Medical Data Visualization

Build a single page web application that illustrates the relative quality of care one might expect to receive in the US on a state-by-state basis by rendering a US Map data visualization based on real, current, medical data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS) Hospital Quality Initiative.


To complete this assignment, you must complete the following steps:

API Integration
  • Sign up for an account with and acquire an App Token so that you can access CMS's Hospital Care API.
  • Create a configuration file similar to that in config.example.js called config.js to store your App Token.
Data Acquisition
  • In App.jsx:

    • Send a GET request to the /api/heartFailures endpoint in your web server when the component mounts.
  • In your server, index.js, build out the request handler that responds to GET requests to your /api/heartFailures endpoint. The request handler should:

    • Send a request to the Hospital Compare API to acquire all Complication and Death records in the current Hospital Compare Complications and Deaths database resource.
    • Make sure to include your $$app_token in the headers of your request!
Data Wrangling/Munging
  • Before sending a response back to the client, the request handler should also:
    • Filter the dataset so that it only contains records that include a particular hospital's 30-Day Post-Discharge Mortality Rate for patients who are treated at that hospital for Heart Failure.
    • Clean/Tidy the dataset to remove all unnecessary data.
    • Process the dataset by performing calculations on subsets of the data.
      • There are many hospitals per state, and there will be one record for each hospital in a state.
      • To get a single Mortality Rate score for each state, you'll need to determine the mean of all 30-Day Post-Discharge Mortality Rates across all hospitals in a given state, per state.
    • Reformat the data shape so that it is in an appropriate form to pass in to your client's data visualization component, MapView.jsx.
      • Take a look at /client/src/dummyData.js for a reference to the appropriate data format.
Data Visualization:
  • Populate and render the US Map Data Visualization by passing the new, tidy dataset into the instance of the MapView.jsx component instantiated within App.jsx via props.


Messy Data
  • It will take some time to interpret the large, messy contents of the data returned in response to your API request.

    • Try making a few sample requests to get a look at the data format and values you'll be working with before moving from Data Acquisition to Data Wrangling/Munging. You can do this either:
      • Directly in your application by outputting your data to the console for analysis.
      • With an API Development Environment platform such as Postman. (Highly recommended.)
  • Some of the data is recorded with key/value pairs that are cryptic to outside consumers.

    • Reference the Hospital Compare API Docs to dispell any cognitive data dissonance, specifically, the Measures and current data collection periods database reference.
      • There are multiple datasets referenced here. Make sure to read from the appropriate table!
      • Hint: In relevant Mortality Rate records, the score property has a value representative of the 30-Day Post-Discharge Mortality Rate.
API Limitations
  • This dataset contains over 90,000 records.

  • The maximum number of records that can be returned per request is 50,000.

  • Of the 90,000 records available, just below 4,000 of them are relevant to the 30-Day Post-Discharge Mortality Rate of patients who were treated for Heart Failure.

    • Further, the relevant records are randomly distributed throughout the dataset. (They are in no particular order.)
  • The following table of query parameters may come in useful:

    Parameter Description Default Value Max Value
    $limit The number of results to return. 1,000 50,000
    $offset The index of the result array where to start the returned list of results. 0 N/A
    $order Works similarly to order_by in SQL. (The order of the results of a query are not implicitly ordered.) N/A N/A

Source: Paging Through Data

Available Resources: