
personal learning path for learning web3 development


personal learning path for learning web3 development


Local Environment

Blockchain & Network Oberservability

Dev Tools



Plan of Attack

  • Get all pair prices from Paraswap
    • Display in real time and log to db
  • Create pool monitor
    • Display in real time and log to db
  • Develop arbitrage algorithm to log all 1:1 pair opportunities
    • Add triagular arb analysis
  • Integrate blocknative transaction lifecycle
    • Opitmize gas for flashswap or true treasury
  • Stand up local node
  • Develop mempool opportunity highlighter with blocknative
  • Develop cash out flow
  • Stand up Azure node
  • Merge paraswap and blocknative tools

Open Questions

  • Which network to use?
  • Which chain to use?
  • Is a node necesary?
  • Will flashswaps be too expensive with gas?
  • What existing contracts can we leverage?
  • Best way to interact with a CEX? Is that needed for arb?
  • For load attacks, does origin of request matter? Need different IPs or geos? Use different contacts? -Does the blockchain care? Do the providers aka UniSwap care, monitor, protect?