
Rails middleware for Lograge with support to log exceptions from Rails and ActiveJobs.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

A Lograge extensions for Rails

Dependency Status ghit.me

Rails middleware for Lograge with support to log exceptions from Rails and ActiveJobs.


  • Rails exceptions with more information than pure Lograge. You can add custom fields, which will be logged on exception (user, IP, full exception backtrace etc.).
  • Exceptions occurred during running jobs on ActiveJob (Rails 4.2+)


Add line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rails' # minimal version is 4.0
gem 'lograge'
gem 'lograge_rails_middleware'

Now, gem should catch all exceptions thrown by Rails and save it to Lograge.

Please remember about Lograge configuration.

Custom setup

You can configure additional fields, which will be logged for every exception.

# config/initializers/lograge_middleware.rb
Rails.configuration.tap do |config|
  config.rails_lograge_middleware.custom_options = lambda do |exception, env, request|
    # Example of logging remote IP, request ID, params and current logged user
    # == Parameters:
    # exception:
    #   Occurred exception
    # env:
    #   Environment variables hash with request data
    # request:
    #   Request sent to application wrapped in Rack::Request
    # == Returns:
    # Hash with elements to write to log

    controller = env['action_controller.instance'] # current Rails controller
    user = controller.try(:current_user) # we try to get current logged user
    options = {
        remote_ip: request.ip,
        request_id: env['action_dispatch.request_id'],
        # we reject controller and action, because gem log it already
        params: request.params.reject { |key| %w(controller action utf8).include? key }.to_json
    if user
      options[:user_id] = user.try(:id)
      options[:user_email] = user.try(:email)
  config.rails_lograge_middleware.active_job_custom_options = lambda do |exception, job|
    # Examples of logging ActiveJob arguments
    # == Parameters:
    # exception:
    #   Occurred exception
    # job:
    #   ActiveJob instance, which crashed
    # == Returns:
    # Hash with elements to write to log
    options = {
        arguments: job.arguments




  • 1.1.0 - Added ActiveJob exceptions logging
  • 1.0.0 - Initial version with requests exception logging