
  • This app is an api that allows customers to subscribe to certain tea subscriptions. Currently the customer can subscribe to an existing subscription, cancel a subscription, and see all of their subscriptions

Tech Stack

  • Ruby 2.7.4
  • Rails 5.2.8
  • Postgresql for database

Setup Instructions

Clone this repo down into your desired directory and open it up in your desired editor

Then install all the necessary gems with

bundle install

Then to establish a database, run:

rails db:create

Because this is the back end repository, database migration is also necessary, run:

rails db:migrate

Then seed the databases with the already set up seeds file

rails db:seed

RSpec Suite

Test the entire suite by running

bundle exec rspec

All the tests should be passing at this point

Calling the API Endpoints

Create a Subscription for a user

To create a new subscription, the request requires the customer_id and the subscription_id

    "customer_id": "1",
    "subscription_id": "1"

This is a post request so in postman (or your preferred method of API calling), enther this enpoint

post /api/v1/customer_subscriptions

Update a Subscritption for a User

This endpoint will cancel a subscription for a user. The request is the same as before

    "customer_id": "1",
    "subscription_id": "1"

Now call this endpoint

patch /api/v1/customer_subscriptions/1

Get All a User's Information and Subscriptions

This is a get request with no request body requirements. Simply call this endpoint

get /api/v1/customers/1

Note: manually typing this in requires an accurate customer id at the end. If you had to reseed a couple of times then I recommend running "rails db:{drop,create,migrate,seed}" to reset everything and have access to customer id 1 again


Anthony Blackwell Tallent